Pure Evil

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He killed her.

The sick f***ing b*****d killed her.

I stare in shock at my mother's limp body, lying on the floor. My father's breathing heavily and staring down at her slack and vacant expression.

He purses his lips and rolls his shoulders back, "Someone get rid of it."

I can't even move, I'm so stunned and filled with rage. One moment she's bringing him dessert and the next he stands up and hits her across the face for questioning him and his plan. She fell back from his blow and hit her temple, hard, on the edge of the buffet, killing her immediately. Blood is pooled by her head on the wood floor.

I numbly look at my brother who intently gazes at our mother's body. The beginning smile and gleam in his eyes snaps me from my daze and I jump up with a roar. "You f***ing b***ard!!" I launch myself at my father, aiming for his throat as I shift, but he has centuries of experience and moves before we can reach him, landing feet away. My wolf snarls and snaps, wanting to bite into his flesh and tear him apart as much as me.

My father sneers down at us, "Oh did that upset you?" he mocks. "I was sick of the b**** anyway. It was disgusting to look at her and her aging body. She served her purpose and now she's gone. Accept it."

F*** you.

A vicious growl rips through the room as we lunge at him, our teeth snapping. His collar tears as they sink into his neck. Before too much damage can be done, Levi yanks at my leg and my father punches the side of our face repeatedly until we let go. Once we do, he throws me hard against the wall, damaging the drywall and our body. We land next to my mother.

"You ungrateful son of a b****!" he bellows, spit flying from his mouth. "I had plans for you but you've shown your true self. You're weak and stupid! Undeserving of the title of Alpha." He stands tall and clenches his fists. "I claim your pack. Do you dare to challenge me?"

Through my wolf's eyes, I look at my mother's face. She loved me and tried to protect me from his evil, afraid I would turn into him. It's too late, I am evil, but I should have protected her, taken her away from him. Somehow.

Now she's dead.

My wolf turns its head to him. A hate so pure boils inside us, threatening to spill over and devour all we touch.

But not now. Not here. I can't beat him. Not yet.

I will kill him though.

The thought brings another feeling. Pleasure.

Yes, I'll take great pleasure in ripping his throat out and watching him bleed and gasp until there's no more life left in him. Then I'll leave his carcass for the ravens to peck and mutilate.

My wolf gets up and we stand on broken legs.

He chuffs at us, realizing I won't fight. "The one smart move you've made."

Levi opens the door to the house. Once an alpha's lost his pack to another, he's banished from the territory.

As we step into the cold night, Levi quietly calls out to me. We turn, for a moment hopeful he'll follow.

"Thank you, brother, now the lupa will be mine." He smiles like a Cheshire cat and shuts the door.  

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now