Now What?

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I slept like the dead.

I even drooled on the pillow. Mr. Taylor's pillow...

They had me sleep in his room. It was private and comfortable. I did feel weird sleeping there, but was too tired to object. Besides, they wouldn't let me.

I follow the delicious smell of cooked bacon to the farmhouse kitchen.

"And she lives!" Luke grins, twirling a spatula and flipping a pancake.

Nathan winks, putting a stack of pancakes on the table. "You slept good."

I glance at the kitchen clock, noting the time.

Twelve fifteen!

Sean taps my nose. "It's breakfast for lunch today."

"I can't believe I slept so late," I admit.

"I can," Gabe says. "Most shifters are usually conked out for a couple days. Your beauty sleep wasn't very long."

"Is something wrong with me?" I ask.

They all chuckle. It's a wonderful, masculine sound.

"You've gone through your awakening very quickly," Owen says. "But for all we know, that may be normal for females."

He pulls out a chair for me to sit at the large kitchen table. I blush and sit next to Silas. Kota takes the seat on my other side.

I examine the feast on the table. They've made pancakes, bacon, eggs and there's a bowl of strawberries. My mouth waters. I feel like I could eat it all, which is ridiculous since there is enough for twenty people. Everyone squishes around the kitchen table and we dig in.

After my fourth pancake, I think I might burst. I lie against the back of the chair and groan, holding my belly.

Kota smiles at me, starting on his sixth. "You done?"

I tilt my head in his direction. "I'm a big pig."

Silas laughs and I sleepily rock my head to the other side, looking at him, falling into a food coma. "You're not a big pig," he says in his sexy accent, getting more bacon. "A cute little piglet, maybe."

I smile at him and he rewards me with a handsome one.

Owen takes his phone from his pocket, reading a text. He puts it back and looks at me. "Your family will be here in an hour to see you."

I sit up. "Why here? I thought I'd be going home."

"Not yet, Sang. You still need to get better acquainted with your wolf. You'll be back home in a couple days. It won't be long."

I'm going to stay here for a couple days? With them? The thought makes me excited, when I'd normally be nervous. My heart hammers and my lower belly tingles, in a good way.

They snap their heads in my direction, nostrils flaring, eyes going black. Silas' chest vibrates with a low rumble. I find myself liking that sound very much. I feel my eyes warm as I look at him. He's intent, focused on me.


I'm somehow able to respond, turning to Owen, meeting his black gaze. "Maybe you should go wash up and get dressed before your family arrives."

I blink back the haze and take a last sip of orange juice before leaving. As I walk away, I feel nine pairs of eyes watching me.


I undress and hop in the shower.

It feels so good. I relax, enjoying the water massage for a while. Not wanting to use up all the hot water, I hurriedly wash my hair and body. Gabe had put my toiletries in the bathroom for me earlier. Once I'm finished, I turn off the water and wrap a towel around myself, stepping out of the tub.

A wave of dizziness comes over me and I brace my hands on the edge of the counter. It quickly subsides, followed by a burning pain throughout my body. I would have collapsed, but my body becomes rigid and my mouth forms a silent scream. When I think I'm about to die, it's gone. My breathing is heavy and my eyes burn.

I panic. What was that?

The pain has completely disappeared. I reach inside, pulling at my wolf, making sure she's alright. She's there and okay, but just as confused and worried as me. I take a sip of water from the faucet and wipe the moisture from the mirror, looking at myself.

I stare in horrified fascination as my green eyes... glow for a moment, before returning to normal.

Oh god. What now?  

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now