"Maybe I can't but I'm gonna try." Troye snorted, lighting the cigarette dangling from his mouth. Not caring where it went, he tossed the lighter behind him as he stared out of the window. A puff of smoke escaped his plump lips, his eyes squinting at the sun staring down at him. "At least we can be out now. You and I."

Furrowing his eyebrows, Connor lightly tapped some of the access from the cigarette on the windowsill. "Out?"

"Yeah, as a couple." Troye responded, ruffling his free hand in his tangled curls. Huffing the end of the cigarette into his lungs, causing his mental pain to fly away for a moment, Troye continued to stare out of the window.

As his knees were brought to his chest, he scooted back to lean against the dresser sitting behind him. His elbows rested on the faded black jeans hugging his legs as his head hung down but his eyes on Troye. "I didn't know we were dating."

"Oh, do you not want to?" Troye asked, his voice turning into slight panic as he whipped his head over to the boy sitting in front of him. Connor was the only person Troye felt he could settle down with, if the boy didn't want that, it would crush him.

Connor stared at him. A soft smile grew upon his lips as his eyes sparkled, his head nodding. "Yeah, I do. But, we haven't gone on an actual date. I haven't been asked."

"Well, I apologize." Troye chuckled, digging the burned end of the death stick outside of the window so his parents wouldn't see it. The pale boy flicked the cigarette on his bed as he crawled onto the floor in front of Connor. "Would you go on a date with me tonight?"

"I don't know, I may be busy." Connor replied faintly, watching as the pale boy grew a small frown when those words left Connor's lips. A smirk played across his face, digging the burned end of the cigarette on the windowsill and letting it lay on the old white paint. "Yeah, I think we can." Troye grinned, leaning forward to connect their lips but Connor but his hand between their inches apart faces. "No kissing till the end of the date."

Troye scoffed, a chuckle leaving his lips as he scooted back. Noticing the smirk Connor had, the pale boy parted his mouth in shock with a small gasp. "I can't believe you're making me wait for a kiss, you're mean."

"Sorry, Honey." Connor mocked, standing up from the wooden floor. Dusting off his jeans, the green eyed boy looked down at the boy who was still settled on the floor. His heart skipped a beat when realizing how fond Troye looked of him, he never knew someone would ever look at him the way Troye does. "Pick me up at eight."

Before Troye could say another word, Connor disappeared.

"If you're taking me to the movies, I swear I'm never going out with you ever again." Connor stated as he sat in the passenger seat of Troye's car. His arms crossed over his chest to try and warm himself from the cold weather since he forgot his coat, hoping Troye wouldn't notice.

Laughing lightly, Troye glanced over to Connor quickly before keeping his eyes on the road ahead. Music played softly between the two, neither of them recognizing any song that rolled along the speakers. "You look nice, did you get a haircut?"

"Stop avoiding the topic! Where are you taking me?" Connor exclaimed, turning his body so it was on its side, towards Troye. The windows were opened a small chunk, wind blowing through the brown curls. Shining bright, the moon watched upon the two as they drove through the dark night. Connor watched how the pale skin glowed with the moon, how his chocolate brown hair blew perfectly with the wind, how his eyes sparkled with the stars, how occasionally his flower pedal lips curled into a smile whenever Connor spoke.

The boy stayed silent for several moments, unsure whether if he should tell but he decided to keep ignoring the questions and let Connor be surprised once they arrive. "When I was about six, my parents threw this birthday party for my older brother, Steele. The morning of, Mum made these amazing chocolate chip cookies—my absolute favorite. I wanted one—just one so damn bad and she wouldn't give me one. So, when she went to greet the first guests, I stole like five of them and shoved them down my pants. I forgot they were there and they fell out while I was on the swing. All the kids thought I pooped cookies and they called me Cookie Pooper for three years."

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