6th Letter

27 2 1


Dear friend,

Christmas is drawing near and I would say that I am excited about it. The other day, my mother brought my brother and I for shopping. I had managed to save with my pocket money and my part-time jobs to buy the presents. It’s not much but I don’t have anyone else to buy for except for my family members. My mother left the both of us at the level one entrance of a shopping centre called The Fillers and we were both given an ample of time to shop for what we wanted to. As I was looking around in hope to find something, a scarf caught my eyes. It was smooth and silky. Needless to say the design seemed sophisticated and I knew in that moment that it would be perfect for my mother. She was in love with scarfs and this would be perfect for her collection. I imagined the smile on her face when she would open it up later on. It is the ideal choice of present for her. My father was a difficult man to buy present for. He does not seem to have any hobbies or interest in anything as far as I know. He is a quiet man that spoke only when it seemed necessary to him. His words are all golden and he believed in a saying from the Prophet Muhammad son in law, Ali, which is if you don’t have anything nice to say then it is better to be silent instead. I was walking around and I saw a cd shop in a corner. I went in to buy something for my sister. I don’t know if you have ever heard of the band but it is claim to be the ‘biggest’ boy band in the world currently. I bought for her the latest deluxe album of One Direction which was just released over a month ago. She had been hinting on me to buy it for her Christmas present.  As I was making my way to make the payment at the cashier, a cd titled ‘The Best Collection of Songs from Scorpion’ made me stop. I remembered that my father used to sing one of their songs which is called still loving you to my mother and he claimed that that is their love song. I decided that it was ideal for him as I believed that those songs from the cd would bring nostalgic memories back to my parents. As for my brother, I decided that I would buy for him clothes as he was such a fashion geek. He knows what the in thing is now and what kind of brand is on the rise and yada yada yada. I remembered that he doesn’t seem to have a denim jacket for his collections. I ventured around the mall in search for one. I kept asking store after store and their answers to me were that denim jackets were out of fashion currently. If I wanted to buy a top that had denim designs, the denim shirts are the trend currently. I was out of hope and I thought that it might be a good idea to buy for him that shirt that was recommended when I saw a thrift shop located somewhere nearby. I went in there in hope that they would have one. I was in treat when the shop had the denim jacket that I have been searching for. It was one of the older collections from the brand Lee and these jackets were no longer in production. The tone of the jacket was greyish black and I knew that my brother could pull it off. I’m delighted that I had managed to buy my love ones the presents that I thought that they deserved.

Yours truly,


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