4th Letter

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Dear friend,

I wanted to apologise if I had not written to you for quite some time. I was rather caught up with some personal stuff. I am not quite sure if I should to tell you what had happened because as I stated earlier, I am afraid that you might not be able to understand what I am feeling or what I am going through. Apparently, one of my aunts had passed away two days ago. Before she passed away, she was already suffering from an unknown illness. It was unknown as she was not admitted into the hospital for through check-ups. My aunt was a hard-headed, arrogant and cold-hearted women when she was alive. Her arrogance had led her to believe that she was 'fine', she was hard-headed as she did not believed anyone that told her that she was sick, in fact she kept denying it even though she was slowly balding, her skin literally turning into yellow and she could not even move from her bed. She was cold-hearted whenever I asked her if she was getting better. She would tell me that I was the one that was sick and urgently needed help for my medical conditions. Whenever she told me that, I did not retaliate as I know that I do have these medical conditions which were in need of treatment. When she passed away, I was rather surprised by the fact that I did not tear. I know that it seems wrong and heartless, but I was not able to find any pain inside me that particular time. Please don't get me wrong, we were closed in some ways. I don't want you to get the idea that I am a heartless bastard who doesn’t give a damn about her or anyone. I do care about her in some ways. But her death had caused my symptoms to act up. Her death had caused my memories to act up back. Memories that I don't even recalled or memories that I don't even want to remember. I was not able to sleep, eat and do anything for this past two days. It's even difficult for me to get up from bed. It's like I just snapped. I am tired all day and night. I could not even get enough sleep and whenever I managed to fall asleep, I would have nightmares each time. Honestly, I am not sure why I am feeling like this. I don't know if you have ever felt like this before but frankly speaking these types of feelings are considered serious from my doctors' point of view. This is NOT something that you could just snap out of it.

Yours truly,


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