Challenge #1

128 6 11

Shuffle challenge, i got tagged by AshleyMaycury
Thank you, dear!
I guess the challenge is to shuffle 20 songs, or whatnot. Here we go:

1. The Beatles - Devil in her heart (Let's begin with an easy one)

2. Bob Dylan - Mr. Tambourine Man

3. The Beatles - I got a woman (one rainy summer-afternoon i converted the entire Live at the BBC album from YouTube, it was rather amusing)

4. The Beatles - Your mother should know

5. The Beatles - Don't bother me

6. The Who - Behind blue eyes (This song is the love of my life... Well, one of the many loves of this pointless experiment)

7. The Beatles - Honey Pie

8. The Beatles - I wanna be your man (And oh gawd, it's been a while since i heard this song... Maybe at the end of spring? It seems like i ignored my babies :c )

9. Queen - It's a hard life (I adore this song... And the clip, i mean, Roger's costume is priceless he's adorable and awweh, and Brian, and Freddie, and Deaks, and everything, and dat ballet-dancer, and ohmahgawd)

10. The Beatles - Savoy Truffle (One time my piano-teacher was sick, and a sub-sti-tute teacher came, and we blatted or i don't really know this word in this godforsaken language, we played from random sheets, and a Savoy dance was one in the many, and i just played this song, and then we listened to Beatles til the end, yep)

11. The Beatles - Drive my car (I remember my mum singing this to me when i was little, and she was like 'baby, you can drive my caaaaaahhr, yes, i'm gonna be a staaaar', and i was terrified, like 'what the heck is this thrash?' :D )

12. The Beatles - I've just seen a face (To be honest, this song is not my favorite at all)

13. Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence (or the song you'll eventually download, no matter what you do, or how out of tune it is)

14. Survivors - Eye of the Tiger (because Deano Winchester, and because i wanted my class to perform this when Christmas-time is here again, but we won't t... We'll do Another one bites the dust, cos shit happens when you tell an idiotic classic rock fan to chose a song for christmas)

15. Queen - Calling all girls (So cute!)

16. The Beatles - I'm only sleeping

17. David Bowie - Oh! you pretty things (Hunky Dory is one of the best things in the world)

18. John Lennon - God (or making me cry every single time i hear this)

19. Napoleon Boulevard - Júlia nem akar a földön járni (You don't know this song? Can't say i'm surprised. It's good, tho. For those who speak hungarian)

20. The Beatles - Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite

and +1, because i want to. The Who - Doctor Doctor (this is some upper-kind of music and lyrics)

I'm tagging
moonlight-tie (mert tudom, hogy szereted az ilyen sz@rokat)

And i always forget that with whom i am in that zone that i can tag her.

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