
If I loose, I die. 

My mind hovers over this silently, I take a deep breath and redirect my thoughts. My objective as of now is to shut Stein down for good. I can't kill innocent people just to live, I have to get to Stein.

That's the only way I can redeem myself now. Who's Stein, how do I find him? 

Do I have any Allies? 

I look at the food on the chair. There's an easy way to find out... I eat the food left for me, and nothing seems to happen. Except, as I'm eating I bite into something stiff. I pull it out of my mouth, and I find a piece of folded up paper. It says: "I'm cleaning you're dirty clothes." 

Does he want me to go to the laundry room? Where the heck is that?!

This insight brings me hope. I'm sure by now there are people waiting for me to get a good shot at my door. I check just to be sure by putting my ear against the door. 

I hear a slight muffle of someone talking on the other side. They can't shoot me until the lights are off, those are the rules, right? 

I gently open the door and look into the hallway, there are about 4 other men standing out there watching me. They grip the assault rifles in their hands, they're all in black matching suits and have some sort of paint ball mask on. 

I close the door again and quickly sweep my surroundings for an exit. The window has a crack in it and the bathroom has a possible vent I could shimmy through. I check outside the window and notice a sniper in the trees. 

Wow...These guys really want me dead...

I close the curtains. Just survive until theres light again. Easy.....Easy... Easy... I try to tell myself. 

I hurry back to the vents and decide to try my chances, although I'm not feeling optimistic AT all since these guys are waiting for me around every corner. I can only pray that these vents lead somewhere isolated.

I begin to crawl into the vent, slowly making my way around bends. These are almost like they're built for this purpose. I feel like a guinea pig wandering through a cage surrounded by wolves. 

I pause every so often and listen in case someone else is in here with me, but there's no one yet. The lights remain on, so I carefully push forward as I pass by vents in halls and in rooms. 

I pause beside a particular room, drawn to the conversation. "We'll wait a while before leaving, I don't wanna get ready for someone who'll be dead two minutes into lights out." There was a smell of Cigarettes in the air to match the man's tired voice. "Cynthia," The man says, I hear a faint voice reply, "What?" 

"Now's not the time to back out." He warns, "Lucifer is a criminal, They're only killing two birds with one stone."He laughs to him self and huffs his cigar, "You sure you're cut out for undercover work?" 

  "Eyes and ears don't only belong to you, Cliff." She says with warning

... Undercover.. Maybe they're here to try stopping Stein. Part of me is tempted to ask for help. If they are planning a revolt tonight, I might just make it out of here in the chaos....Cynthia and Cliff... I peek through the vent and I seem to recognize them from somewhere. I can't remember where or why. 

The lights begin to flicker. 

Aw crap.... How am I gonna see in the vents? 

"Shh... Listen."  Cliff murmurs as the lights finally shut off. 

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