Expired News

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I tighten my grip on the trigger, he finally seems slightly worried, his shoulders are tense, and his breathing is even a bit shaken. Although.. I guess that's normal since I'm practically choking him.

It's not the calm collected demeanor that I remember. I wonder if he realizes that it's me. I almost wonder if it's even the same man.

If he were to mistake me for Mr. lettel holding the gun...
No. There's no way, I just spoke aloud to him, he knows that it's me.

"Lucy, you won't pull the trigger," Mr. Lettel states, trying to create ease and security in his voice. I notice the masked man's strained breathing, but I don't ease up on the grip on his throat.

The masked man laughs, "We all know she won't pull the trigger," he mocks. His voice chokes out and sounds raspy.

"If you really believed that, you would have no problem throwing me off," I glanced at my gun then over to the table. Mr. Lettel has crawled out from beneath the table with a worried look on his face.  I'm sure he doesn't want to believe that I'm dangerous. He probably wants to deny the fact that I took him down along with those two "agents" the day that I escaped. However, it's reality. It may not fit in with his investigation's story. I'm certainly no Victim.

The masked man's hoodie is drenched in rain water, he smells like damp clothing and he's very cold. I take a deep breath to bring myself away from my thoughts.

"You know what I want," I begin, "tell me what you know. Why are you here and how did you find me? That means you too, Mr. Lettel," after making my request I wait quietly.

"Lettel, you first. What's going on with Tyler's case? Who even hired you?"

"That's private information that I'm not inclined to disclose," he says simply.

"Well you better start disclosing or your going to be on the other side of a homicide investigation," I threaten him without thinking much. 

Mr. Lettel raises his hands, "Lucy, you're not thinking clearly, you need to think rationally about what you're doing".For a split second my mind flickers to what I thought about earlier. Place fear into the environment and use their lack of forethought to your advantage.

" I don't know how many rational solutions I have," I reply. We sit in silence longer, no one speaks.

Since no one else will, I'll do the talking.

"Last time I checked, there were two men murdered that I had been involved with. Stein has been following me around, and I have two young girls that I need to keep safe. "

Mr. Lettel's eyes widen for a moment. "Where are they...?"

"That's private information that I'm not inclined to disclose," I repeat then smile at Mr. Lettel with my teeth.

He begins clenching his teeth and glares.

"Now isn't the time to be petty. I can't talk here. I need to know where the girls are and we need to get them to safety." Mr. Lettel practically commands.

No. I don't have time for that. I need answers, this is the only chance I have. Stop changing the subject.

"Who's Stein, why is he after me?" I demand. I feel like I'll loose my opportunity at any second. It feels like is sand slipping between my fingers.

"Lucifer," The masked man says almost inaudibly.

I think for a second. Lucifer? Wait... is this all happening because my name is Lucy? "Who is that?"

Mr. Lettel speaks up.

"Lucifer is someone who's been creeping up on many people's list of undesirables. The rumor is that Lucifer is a criminal mastermind playing dumb," he pauses like he's reminiscing , "Like a ghost that comes and goes with no identifiable motive,"

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