Pursuit of happiness

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We all sat at my kitchen bar table side by side eating pancakes and drinking orange juice. It became quite awkward when I realized that I didn't even know the man's name, but I felt equally awkward letting the girls know that a complete stranger was eating with us. 

I am arguably a stranger too, so I'm not sure how concerned they are about this. 

Over the few minutes that we've been eating together I decide that this man likes to analyse things, probably not as much as I do, but to an average extent.

His eye brow raises and he smirks when he's contemplating certain actions or he understands something.
It could also be his 'tell', however I would suspected that it was some thing else when I noticed him run his hand through his hair after Jane asked him who he was.

He glanced at me, seeming to feel the same awkwardness as I did in the situation.

"Well, kiddo, my name is Angel Haule" He said, and smiled. My last name is Hawaiian for "fallen". Sort of a bummer last name, don't you think, kid?" He smiles and runs his hand through his hair.

Jane nods aggressively to agree while Clover frowns. Angel seems to pick up on the different responses and begins to pursue a conversation.

"What do you think?" He says, the pitch in his voice goes higher, and he speaks slower than usual. He smiles heavily at Clover.

Clover HATES when people do that. Haha she's too smart of a kid to be talked to like a dog.

"Well... It's just that your name reminds me of the story that Lucy read us."
He looks between them, "and what did your Mommy read you?" He said, continuing to talk to Clover in that awkward tone.

Before Clover could respond to his comment about me being her mother, I clear my throat and take over the conversation, "You don't look like you're from Hawaii, maybe Russia Or something?" 

"Eh...Russia? Well I have Italian genes in me, if that's what you mean?" He runs his hand through his hair again.

"Not that I care, but...you're Last name doesn't sound Italian...." I take a bike of my food, I call him out. I don't think that Haule is his real last name. 

He smiles at me, He was probably waiting for me to ask "Why is your last name fallen?" and he'll probably reply with some awful punch line like "Because I'm 'fallin' for you" 

I clear my throat, and continue eating, avoiding a look of distaste that would offend both him and Jane.

He finally takes a hint and seems slightly embarrassed.

"So..Lucy,"  emphasizing the use of my name, "are you available right now?"

"Just need to get the girls on the bus." I reply, I finish my last bite of food and look at the clock. "Shoot, we're already late." I say, and quickly begin to collect plates.

"How about I drive?" Angel suggests, twirling some car keys around his finger.

Who the hell does this guy think he is? Why did I let him in my house?
The girls seem excited to go, but I don't allow it.
Of course it's a rouse to get me to drive with him, he has no concern for the two girls. I'm not entirely sure what he needs from me, but I'm curious as to which part of our meeting last night made him so interested. We go out to the bus stop, and the girls leave immediately once the bus arrives. 

Now it's just the two us. He asks again to go out for a drive. I agree and we find his car and he begins driving east towards a canyon.

"What's your motive?" I ask evenly.

Curiousحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن