Chains and Limitations

12 0 0

I was sitting beside the bar, twisting my hair between my fingers. I was turned off by my usual routine, scout the room and try guessing things about their lives. 

"But what if I did..." I thought of again, the man is here again tonight. He seems fat and jolly while he plays cards with some new acquaintances. He's so intoxicated that the man bet 200$ on a bluff. 

For better or for worse, majority of the group was too intoxicated to read into the bluff. 

I let out a sigh and chew on my lip. I know exactly what happening, I'm right where Stein wants me, but why me? 

It doesn't make sense, I have no business with them. 

I suppose they have business with me. 

I sent the girls to stay with a trustworthy friend of mine who owes me a favor. Today marks the second day that Tyler has been missing. I originally debated going to the police myself, but that would be a suspicious move. Considering our relations, any clever man would catch me by the tail within a week.

What to do in such a scenario? I want the girls separated from the premises. This move is faulty, but my friend is resourceful and strong. She's not an easy opponent, so I trust that the girls will be safe. 

If not... Then I suppose I'll have a better measurement as to whom I'm dealing with. 

As far as I'm concerned, theres not enough evidence for investigators to find me guilty in Angel's case. Worse case scenario, I'll plead self defense, I didn't go to the police because I was afraid he'd 'find out'

"Stein is watching..." I mouth to myself. They are indeed. 

I've already decided that two people in this bar work are under cover. The most obvious one is the replacement bar tender. He's checked in on me multiple times. I can only wonder where Tyler's usual substitute is. The second one was less obvious, however, I began to suspect him when I noticed how out of place he was. He joined into the card game, however he kept refusing to drink. 

He doesn't seem to be the best card player, either. 

After watching, I decided that the unfamiliar face has no motive to be here other than...well, me.

Meanwhile, I have no doubts that I look like a nervous wreck, I'll give it to them, Stein deserves a round of applause for creating such a barbaric illusion that I'm on the verge of collapse. They are trying to insight fear, "Stein is watching".... They are aiming for paranoia. Masked men, hired stalkers. 

One thing still doesn't add up, Why me?

I slump back into my chair, the bar tender meanders my way casually, "Why do you look so down in the dumps?" He asks casually. He hasn't been doing much work. 

When I watched Tyler, he'd always be cleaning something, or making a drink. There was very little chit chat between us because of all of the work to do. This only confirms my suspicions more, his objective isn't to work. 

I smile, twirling my finger through my hair, "Well... my favorite bar tender isn't here again tonight." I say, it's honest, and it will provoke conversation. 

"Oh really? I heard that he went missing." 

"...Missing? No....Way...." I adjust my tone and expression slightly, "he just quit the job?" I suggest.

"No... actually. Eh... I was wondering if maybe you had seen him two nights ago?" 

"Well... He had taken me out to the carnival... I just-... There's no way, are you sure he isn't just on vacation?"

"Miss, sorry, I don't have that information." 

Information.... He sounds like an investigator, He's probably with the cops. 

"....Yeah.. I-...well... we went out to the carnival just out of town, he brought me back probably around 11 or so."

"Was he acting weird or anything?" 

He's not with Stein... Are they both investigators? No. At least one has to be working for Stein.

"No... We actually were having a really fun time. I hadn't been to a carnival before, so it" 

Thinking back on that night raises up guilt, it piles in my stomach and I feel slightly nauseated.

"Miss... Are.... You alright?" 

"I hope he's okay.... " I say, my eyes start to tear up, at this point, I can't tell if it's for dramatic effect or because of my guilt.  

I receive a sympathetic smile from the man, "I'm sure they'll do what ever they can to find him. Hopefully he is just 'playing hooky'". The man felt satisfied with what I had said, He was being exceedingly careful, trying not to blow his cover. 

On the other hand, the stranger playing cards was much less careful, I casually turned in my chair to catch him staring at me from across the room. I pretend not to notice, and pick up my purse, "I think that I'll go home early." I say, grabbing my messenger bag from my chair and hopping out of my seat.

"So soon?"
"Yes... I'm awfully worried about Tyler. "
"Wait. Here, take my card. Call me if you hear anything." The man pulled a black and white card from his coat pocket then slid it across the counter.
"Mr. Toby Lettel" I read off the top of the paper and glanced at him, "private investigator".
I gave him a surprised look, he's too nice for his own good.

He raised his index finger to his mouth telling me to be quiet. 

Interesting. . .

Something's not entirely right about this man, why would a investigator so carelessly blow his cover?

Unless he's an amateur, an idiot or a phony...

I'll keep a safe eye on him, he's probably a spy from Stein.

Who would hire a private investigator for a guy as normal as Tyler?

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