Chapter Twenty Three

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A giggle so softly that it barely reaches Izana's ears. My giggle...His arms tight around me as he uses his foot to close the door behind us. This simple door leading to a beautifully decorated room. Navy shaded curtains closed over, blocking the oncoming sunset.

The canopy held bed on a raised platform along with cupboards and wardrobes galore. Pillars raised high, attached to the midnight black ceiling, chandeliers hung freely. Rugs scattered freely along the floorboards, hiding the oak, and capturing some of the sounds.

The room is small. Yet, it's perfect.

Another day within this place. No guards, no intruders, no work. A week we've spent on this honeymoon, and we have another while to go.

Days riding, cuddling, swimming, relaxing... Acting like ordinary people. Just how we wished it to be.

We've taken it slow. Very slow... For I wasn't ready... Yet he understood. But, now... Now is the time.

My simply plain gown fluttering, as does my hair as Izana twirls us around. His addictive smile, reaches his eyes. Even despite the lack of crown upon his head.

Just for this while...

Stepping up onto the platform, my skin tingles. Izana slowly lays be back against the bed's soft, fluffed duvet. Hands raising, I cup his cheeks, running my thumb underneath his beautiful eyes. "Come..." I murmur softly, my fingers trailing down his neck to his collar.

However, I drop my arms to my side. Nails curling into the material. "Are you sure?" His voice worried. However, I just smile.

"Yes, Izana. We're both ready for this."


"Honestly Izana, I can assure you, I will be fine." I smile, rubbing my thumbs over his arms that hold me close. My heartbeat rapid which I'm sure he can feel. I'm sure, beneath the calm exterior, nerves are attaching themselves to his mind. Without breaking eye contact, I press a soft kiss to his lips.

Forgetting the multitude of guards, Sarei and Lord Haruka behind us.

Releasing his lips, I sink back down, no-longer on my tip-toes. Affection dancing within his eyes. "It is a far journey, Kireina." Izana states, concerned, however a simple chuckle passes through my lips. His gloved hand caressing my cheek.

"Back a month or two and we're already being torn apart." His voice lowering, my voice-box giving nothing but a soft hum in reply. My ears noticing the soft down-tone of his voice.

My heart breaking ever-so-softly as I feel the same. Being together for hours on end has made us rely on each-other more than a normal married couple would. Leaving him for this week aches...

Yet, it's our duty.

My duty.

"I understand, Izana. But, travelling comes with the package. If I wasn't for the amount of papers and assignments that have stacked up but left unattended due to our marriage, coronation and honeymoon, I'm sure you'd be joining me." I soothe, clasping my hand in his own before turning and pulling him softly in Marrle's direction.

"Besides, while I'm heading west, you'll be heading to a checkpoint south are you not?" He nods softly.

"I would prefer it if you did the closer by ones... Not one that is far out west." Izana mutters, my hand instinctively tightening on his own. I give a soft, reassuring smile in his direction. For while my journey will take more than a week if rests are frequent, to the south of Clarines, it will take no longer than a few days to reach there and back.

She who is betrothed - Akagami No Shirayukihime - Izana x OCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat