Chapter Fifteen - History of War, Hatred and Love

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Kireina PoV:

"How long, Izana?" I ask softly, opening my eyes after I hear the chair at my bedside shifts and scraps gently against the floor. With the days dragging on, I know I've been on bedrest for quite a few days, giving my mind time to clear and relax. Yet, my head, kneecaps and palms are still bandaged just in case and are changed every twelve hours.

"Garrick will be here soon, and we can see if you're ready to be released from bedrest." Izana replies swiftly, his hand sliding into my own that I stretched out. My eyes locking on the beautiful blue hues of his eyes. The window open allowing the rising sun's canvas that is painted to the sky to shine through, and a simple, soft breeze passing through.

"I can't wait..." I mutter, shifting my body slightly as pins and needles corrupts my legs. Twiddling my toes as I smile towards Izana, trying to look comfortable, but in honesty, not being able to move properly beside being helped to the restroom has made me uncomfortable in many forms.

But, I guess I'm used to it.

"Can you help me sit up against the headboard?" I murmur, Izana standing up almost instantly, placing the book he had in his spare hand on the duvet and sliding his hands under my back, and pressing my hands into the mattress, he pulls me gently up, shifting the pillows so they are pressed against the headboard.

"Thank you, if I do get to begin walking around today again, I still have to talk to you. I think it would be beneficial if Zen was there too, Haruka if he wants and the other lords and ladies that stayed." I speak softly, Izana sitting back down on his chair and placing the book back on his lap.

"Is that why you haven't mentioned it while we are in here alone?" Shaking my head, placing my hands on my duvet covered lap, I allow my eyes to wonder. Colletto sleeping soundly at the end of my bed like she has been most days. Phoenix on the other hand has been quite different since the attack, and I have a feeling she's watching the entrance to my chambers with the guards.

"I have a lot of words to speak, it would be easier if I did it all at once... Besides, Garrick said to relax my voice-box most of the time." I concur, "But, then again, how has my attacker been? Mentioned anything after your countless interrogations?" I inquire, shifting my hair behind my ears and stretching my arms over my head.

"Still nothing, I don't think he will be breaking anytime soon." Izana mutter, anger laced in his tone which causes me to chuckle. Coughing quite harshly afterwards, leaving my throat in agony. Just before he can stand up, a knock rings through the room, Garrick entering moments later with a smile tilting at the corner of her lips.

"Good Morning, Your highnesses." Garrick speaks softly, bowing before coming to a stand beside the now standing Izana. "Do you feel dizzy or light-headed?" I shake my head slightly, my fingers curling around the bedspread. "Well then, how about we try getting you up and moving?"

With a sigh of relief, I slide my hands carefully into both Izana's and Garrick's. Colletto standing at alert, but perking up as she notices Garrick and Izana helping me glide across the bed; the duvet pooled at my waist which Colletto grips in her mouth and tugs down to my feet. A simple, yet elegant night-dress covering my body.

"Careful now." Garrick coos lightly as I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, pressing my feet against the floor. "Just tell us your highness if your head begins to hurt or anything remotely un-natural. Alright?" I give a soft smile, nodding my head as Garrick steps back, allowing Izana to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me up ever so slowly.

A slight tinge of pain hits my skull hard, as I grip firmly onto Izana. His eyes flashing with worry as his arms tighten around me. "It has been a while since you've moved by yourself, I wouldn't of expected you to be able to do it so easily. So, we'll have to take baby-steps."

She who is betrothed - Akagami No Shirayukihime - Izana x OCWhere stories live. Discover now