Chapter Twenty Four

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"I can assure you, as long as the next report isn't late, neither I, nor Izana will be returning here anytime soon." I state, however, passing Lord Hiamre a soft smile with an underlying tone. Children screaming in joy and running swiftly past us. People adorning the streets, passing stalls and buying the occasional item. Yet, the villagers silence their conversations as I pass by. Flushed faces and lips trembling.

"This town hasn't seen many royals before as Saverous never missed a report. They're bound to be amazed by your high presence, Kireina. Not to mention the grace of a swan that has been bestowed upon you." Izana had told me secretly as I threaded the straps of my boots back at the castle a few weeks prior.

"Your beauty is incomparable, as is your royal bloodline. People show fear of who they don't know, and your status will increase that slight, impending fear." He continued after I told him my only worry of what the villagers would think of me gliding through their streets. Would they hate me? Despise me? Loathe me?

Yet, to finish and soothe my worries, he just kept by my side, pulled my fingers from the boots, sat me down on our bed, and tightened them himself. Soothing words, a loving smile and eyes that shined with adoration. When standing, he lifted me up without notice.

And just held me.

He just kept his arms around me, my arms sliding instinctive around his neck.

"I can assure you, you highness, I won't miss another deadline. I've already began writing next months!" He grins enthusiastically. "Are you not going to be staying any longer? You've had a long journey, there is a magnificent inn within the centre with exquisite food and-..." I pass him a side-ward glance.

"I'm afraid no. Myself, and my companions on this travel have had enough rest, that tea during our meeting was clearly enough." I ensure, fingers curling exceptionally tight on the parchment pages that will be returning to the castle with me. Paragraphs on the thriving land, jobs and new additions to the village.

"Tell me, why would you switch with Saverous?" I ask softly, intrigued by the answer that he will spew. My eyes glazing over at the stationed guards that are lounging about, not seeming to notice my lingering gaze, yet my raise to the large wall that resides in the distance, yet, while its height confused many, it makes it easy to see from the closest towns.

A disgruntled groan catches my attention as I rip my eyes from the distance border to Hiamre. "I'll speak honestly, your majesty. Saverous is the most ignorant lord there is, yet acts all high and mighty to others, especially the land's royals. He's the reason for my late report. We switched land, he should be the next town south, however, he's refusing all acknowledgement which puts responsibilities on me."

"Oh? Why would you not have said that earlier? Now I will have to investigate Saverous before returning." I sigh deeply. "Do you know his address, or the location where he is supposedly staying?" I ask, feeling a slight breeze of wind pass.

Stopping abruptly in my glide, I hoist up some of my gown before lowering to the ground, extending my hand towards the small girl who tripped on a piece of un-even concrete at my side. A slight wound rippling on her palms and kneecaps. "It's alright, no need for tears, sweetheart." I coo gently, feeling the burning states from different angles.

"You're a big girl, no need to drip tears over something like this." I smile softly as she wipes her eyes and slides both her small hands into my own. Pulling her up, I stay crouched, running fingers gently over the small scrapes to rid of the small pieces of rubble.

Something I've did many times for Evie.

"There we go, now go find your parents, and get those covered in ointment from the pharmacist." With an encouraging nod, the small girl runs off, allowing me to stand back up tall again.

She who is betrothed - Akagami No Shirayukihime - Izana x OCWhere stories live. Discover now