Chapter Thirty Five

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"It's all my fault... Your majesty." Hiamre repeats, kneeling down at the bottom of the small steps a few feet away from me. His hair falling over his eyes and his left arm crossed over his chest. "I should've sorted out Saverous myself, instead of getting you involved."

An hour ago, I was requested within the throne room – forced to leave the window from my chambers that I've stared out of for the two months that I've been here. The window with a balcony that gives me perfect sight to see when Izana returns through the main gates with a victory filled smile and rushing to once again, be at my side – and vice versa.

Yet, here I am. Sitting upon my thickly cushioned throne with one hand laying along the arm rest, the other pressed upon my stomach and rubbing it soothingly through the loose fitting gown that matches the calm pumps upon my feet which are pressed upon the floor.

The throne at my side bare.

Two guards, either side of me a few steps away also, standing strong with stoic expressions. They, along with two guards at the door, Haruto watching keenly, myself and Hiamre, this grand room is vacant. One place I haven't really enjoyed being in here unaccompanied. Well... there is naturally guards stationed within the room, but that's not the reason.

For the queen is meant to be sitting beside her king, not sitting alone.

"This incident was not your fault. It is my duty to do such things within this country. However, I should've taken more caution, or chosen a different route that didn't involve going near the border." My voice doesn't waver as I cease his apologising. "Alerting me of Lord Saverous's actions required immediate attention and with the feud between you both, if you were to get furtherly involved could cause even more ruckus within the western lands."

His head slowly raises as I catch the slight speck of sweat of nervousness. His hand still clasped over his chest as I stand, ignoring the slight twinge of numbness in my legs from sitting down without moving them for an hour.

This was not his fault.

"How long do you plan on staying within the castle, Lord Hiamre?"

"For a few days before returning back to my land in the west."

"Ah, I'll be sure to see you around the castle then, Hiamre. You are dismissed, Hiamre. I can assure you, this event was not your fault and you don't need to worry." I pass him a small smile as he stands, bowing his upper body and head before turning and leaving the room. I release the breath I was holding as I watched him leave.

"He's a strange lord, Haruto." I murmur softly, my mother in law walking up closer and with gentle fingers, slides the crown off my head without disrupting my bangs. "He seemed really troubled that his family's title would be removed. Surely I wouldn't of guessed he blamed himself."

She hums softly in reply, placing the crown upon a cushion a guard is holding. "Losing a title could mean everything to a family of Clarines, especially his, who are very... precise with their lessons and land." She replies softly, nodding towards the two guards at my thrones' sides who nod and move away. "Come, I'll lead you back to your chambers for some rest."

"Honestly..." I murmur, following her lead out of the throne room's doors which are held open for us.

"You've certainly began glowing, Kireina. I'm sure Izana will be thrilled to see it when he returns."

"Glowing?" I question softly, tilting my head, yet she smiles adjusting her hair and doesn't reply. "Have you received anything?"

Haruto chuckles, throwing me a grin. "Not since you asked me this morning, Kireina dear. Izana has had the best training, there is no need to keep worrying. Nor is he alone, Zen's there, Lords who he trusts with his life, and court herbalists who are trained greatly and learning well. Not to mention your mother will help once she's rescued and Elvia."

She who is betrothed - Akagami No Shirayukihime - Izana x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin