Chapter Nineteen - Preparations

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"Am I not allowed to design my own dress? Mother? You majesty?" I ask softly, only to release a gasp of surprise as Cerina hums, pulling on the ribbons, my hands tightening to a painful amount on the edges on the vanity. The stainless steel corset tightly sticks to my skin as the ribbons get threaded through the bottom holes.

A day or two and I've been worked to the bone for different things, yet, not once have I been allowed to see any progress with the wedding. I've been asked questions, seen pictures and had people staring at me like there is no tomorrow. Guess I'm lucky that I'm used to it.

"Nearly there." Cerina soothes gently, circling me slowly and adjusting the metal around my breasts, yet I don't squirm. Despite the corset's look and shape, it's incredibly comfortable. Unlike my others, this one has been designed without a back, and held together firmly by the ribbon threaded through the bottom holes at the waist around the lower section of my spine.

"Honestly, Haruto is fine. I've told you before, Kireina. You'll be the crowned Queen along with Izana who will become King within a month. You'll be my equal." Haruto smiles, a batch of thin linen and cotton within her hold. "Just like me and Allisa, or should I say your Mother. Why you hate your name is beyond me." She finishes, nudging her head childish towards my mother who rolls her eyes but has a ghost of a smile.

However, I know for a fact that if anyone else besides Cerina and me were in the room, they wouldn't act like this. As mother would say, it's 'Unladylike to show childish feats. Not to mention you're royal. Act like it.' Setting an example for everyone is what does well.

"Deepest apologises Haruto, but would you mind answering?" I reply, tilting my head as Cerina wonders off towards the table that's been placed up against the wall of my room with a collection of materials and tools. Mother shows Haruto a piece of parchment that's covered in designs and indents of the ink, yet I haven't seen it.

Nor am I allowed too.

"Of course Sweetheart, Haruto and myself have been planning this day for years. While I have two other daughters, they are both young and haven't been engaged since they were young, Haruto however only has Izana and Zen, no daughters to dress for their wedding." Mother smiles, placing the parchment aside.

Both of them crouch down as I stand up tall, raising my hands from the vanity and clasping my hands together. My fingers running along the steel holding my breasts in place. They thread the thin linen throughout the corset, fastening it into place.

I watch with soft eyes as they both laugh and joke about things I don't know. Seemingly things that happened in the past, before I was born. "I'll give you this one," I chuckle, pursing my lip as my mother accidentally nicks my skin with her nails, sending me a swift apology. Yet, I don't see blood in the mirror besides a very faint red, curved mark in the burning light from the open window.

"So, how is the relationship between my son and you? I'll be sure to put him in his place if he hasn't made you welcome." Haruto mutters, eyes focused on the final pieces of the bodice. Cerina adjusting the stainless steel hoop frame for the bottom of my soon to be wedding dress.

My ears strain, yet I don't catch the mumble of mother who, for a split second had a grimace of anger cross her face. Yet, it was gone as quickly as it appeared.

But, judging by the very small size of the metal frame, I know that my dress won't take up a large amount of space. Which in this case, it good. "Okay, Kireina. Arms up." Raising an eyebrow, I slowly comply. Now I feel like a little child, not once has anyone ever asked me to put my arms up since I was ten.

Over a decade ago.

"Haruto, that won't be necessary. I can assure you, Izana has been ever so kind and our relationship has come further that I thought it would, and a lot quicker than I thought. He had a bouquet of beautiful flowers waiting for me including red carnations and orchids." I smoothly reply, my eyes watching Haruto nod in approval towards her sons actions.

She who is betrothed - Akagami No Shirayukihime - Izana x OCWhere stories live. Discover now