Chapter Twenty Six

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"Stay in here. His majesty will call upon you when he's finished talking with Ryiv. If it wasn't for him... he would've finished you off." A guard grumbles, his eyes narrowed as he holds the hilt of his blade in a threatening manner. "There are bars on the windows, so don't even think about escaping."

I keep the disbelief off my face, along with the anger raging inside me. Yet, I push it all down, refusing to show emotion or cause any more harm than needed. The muscles under my skin not strong enough to fight back, nor am I in the position to be pushed around until I'm on the floor, riddled with pain.

Emotional, or physical?

Lareis's eyes told me everything I needed to know. He plans to break me. Break me in as I showed him defiance. How will he break me? I don't know... But I won't give up without a fight.

I know Izana will come for me. He'll be proud of me. I know he will.

With slow movements, I pull my gaze from the guard and push open the door which used to be my own room back when I resided as a royal of the country. "Behave." He growls, slamming his blade into the wall multiple times causing an indent and cracks to shatter up the wall. "I'll be guarding the door."

"Do not speak to me like I am a child. You're loyal to a fiend." I reply with no emotion, closing the door behind me, yet I saw annoyance in his eyes before vanishing from sight. My chest heaving with a breath that I didn't realise was held. The click of the door my own peace as my back slides up against it, head tilted back.

"He wasn't kidding... I feel like a slave." I murmur dejectedly, the outside of the windows barred tightly and crossed over to ensure no escape. Sighing deeply, I push off the door, my shoulders rolling and cracking as I glance around the room I thought I'd only see when my sisters' coronation came around or a milestone birthday for Evie.


He's locked the door... Now I have no choice but to await Lareis's return to attempt my willpowers' demise.

Different shades and tones of blues and purples decorating the room to match that of the many lakes, streams and waterfalls. Everything just how I left it, the canopy's netting that falls down over my bed pulling up and tied like curtains. A cushioned sofa over by the wall.

Two separate doors leading to a wardrobe and bathroom. My body halts in front of my mirrors that are pressed up against the wall. The light shining through the windows allowing view of my reflection. Different areas of my skin bruising and tingling. Tingling with pain from his rough hands.

Slight rips now in my kimono. Yet no blood is dying my clothes. However, my eyes trail to the gash that's running along my cheekbone. Irritation slicking up against the wound. Will it bruise too?

I grip the frame of the mirror and as quickly as possible, turn it around and lean it against the wall. My reflection something I don't wish to see. It's a sight to show how I'm unable to fight by physically due to the differences in strength.

It shows Lareis isn't afraid to harm me.

Izana will be furious... He will seethe...

When Colletto sees this-...


Attempting to open the entry to the hallway, the lock keeps it sealed. My knuckles hitting against the wooden door. "Where is Colletto?" I ask, knowing he is outside due to the grunting and shuffling. My mind trying to stay calm, for our personal health.

Yet, Colletto is important. What have they done to my beautiful dog? Marrle... My mare and Sarei? An innocent girl who is my lady in waiting.

"I don't know." Was his gruff reply.

She who is betrothed - Akagami No Shirayukihime - Izana x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora