Chapter 52: The Black Reveal

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So Crystal had run off again. We couldn't be sure if she had simply run off to somewhere in camp or left the realm. I trudged back to the Big House with the others, Steven furiously tapping at his com-link, trying to get a hold of Crystal. I had suggested we reunite with the others before looking for Crystal, so that everyone could spread out to different areas without going through the same place twice. Plus, Lee might have some kind of Traveler tracking spell or something.

The Knight of Regret, Paenitudo, had not disappeared like Crystal had. He followed silently behind us, one hand on his sheathed katana as if getting ready for an ambush. Max was right next to him, bombarding him with questions the Knight barely bothered to answer.

"How'd you meet Crystal? What's the big deal with these 'Hood' characters? Are there more knights like you? Did you see where Crystal ran off to? What is Crystal's connection to Black Hood?"

To the last question, Paenitudo replied with, "I cannot answer without the approval of the Master."

"Um," Lazlo raised his hand, "but from what Steven, Max and Danny have told us, your master's dead already." Raj and Clam made noises of agreement, sending questioning glances at Paenitudo.

"If the Master has not said anything to you, then neither shall I," the Knight said simply. Max groaned and facepalmed, nearly tripping over a rock in the process. Hailow patted him on the back sympathetically, saying something about how knights could be so annoyingly cryptic at times.

"What happened?" We had reached the Big House. Johnny was sitting upright in his seat, a confused expression on his face as he ignored the glass of water in Alisa's outstretched hand to watch us approach. His malfunction had obviously passed for now. Pyrrha had returned as well, hands wrung together as she took in the looks on our faces. "Where's Crystal?"

"She disappeared." Steven then proceeded to tell them about the two Hoods, the appearance of the Knight of Regret and how Crystal had known them all. As he talked, I couldn't help but notice how low the sun was in the sky already. Time really flew by when you were off fighting gigantic lizards. "And now we don't know where she is. She's not even answering her com-link. Lee, is there anything you can do?" Steven turned hopefully to the only other Traveler present.

Lee stretched out his arms in front of him, not looking the least bit worried. "Well for starters, I'll look for possible places she'd stay to keep out of sight. Chiron's down at the cabins, checking on everyone. I'll talk to him as well. He might've caught a glimpse her."

"What? No spells... nothing?" I asked, puzzled.

"Nope," he replied casually, walking off. I stared after him in disbelief. Steven muttered something about how useless Travelers could be and balled his fists, counting to ten before speaking again.

"Well, we'd best search as well. Raj, you and Hailow—"

"No." Lee turned back around, shaking his head. The look in his eyes was irritation, bordering on anger. "I'll look for her on my own. You wait here and ah, get to know Paenitudo a little more. Besides, I doubt she'll show herself to you."

Max snorted. "He's too worried his master's gonna come back from the dead to haunt him. Besides, why would Crystal hide from us and not you? We're her family." He crossed his arms and we all nodded in agreement.

"Well, that family's done a great job so far, bombarding her with questions immediately after the death of her master." Lee laughed without humor. "No, I think it's best if you stay here for now. I'll be back with her shortly."

"Wait, what?" Max asked. "Her master? What do you— hey! I'm talking to you!" But Lee had already jogged on ahead, putting his hand up in goodbye. I shared a look with the others. Had Lee just called Black Hood Crystal's master?

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