Chapter 22: Black Hood to the Rescue

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'You know how secretive teenagers can get, especially girls.' Hmph. Growing up, my butt. I'll be seventy years old by the time that happens. Crystal's hiding something big, I know it.

"See anything, Max?" Steven called from behind.

"Trees, trees and... oh, look! More trees." I replied sarcastically, walking back.

Johnny groaned. "So where exactly—"

"There." Clam said, pointing east.

We all turned to see a small clearing where the rock that Maximus once hid behind stood. The thing is, it was empty.

"What do you mean by there, Clam?" Hailow asked as we slowly approached the clearing.

"There's some sort of disturbance in the air." Raj added.

"Hmm..." I scratched my chin before taking out my watch. I scanned through my various forms and changed into Aquatron. "Hydroblast!" Jets of water shot out of my palms and hit an invisible wall.

"What on earth?" Danny exclaimed.

"I knew it. There's a force field around the area. Something big must be happening in there." I stated.

Steven looked at me, impressed. "How'd you know to use water in detecting the force field?"

"Experience." I replied. "Crystal's played this trick on me so many times that I'm practically an expert on how to find out if there's some kind of magic trick in the area."

Johnny smirked. "Well then, oh wise magic expert, how do we break the force field?"

"Only the one who made the force field can remove it. But if I'm not mistaken, this force field is for invisibility... and possibly sound-proofing only. We can probably get through."

"Then how come the water—"

"Liquids can't get through. Solid can. Another thing I found out when I tested the kitchen two months ago."

"Well, let's go!" Steven exclaimed, taking out his Keyblade and charging forward.

The moment we passed the barrier, we were immediately plunged into battle. There were chaos monsters everywhere, and they were all in the form of wolves! The only thing different was the fact that they had three tails... and red fur and black eyes!

We all spread out and I noticed that the chaos wolves were fighting... skeletons. "Hey, Steven! Do we bash the bones as well?"

"What bones, Max?" He hadn't noticed the skeletons yet.

"These!" I shot water at a wolf blocking Steven's view. Before he could answer, I was tackled by two wolves. "Hey! Get off me, you sick puppies!" There was a sound of metal falling, and the wolves were pushed aside, dead. "Thanks, man. I—" My eyes widened. The skeleton that helped me raised his axe in salute.

"Apparently the 'bones' are on our side." Danny stated.

I noticed a flash of light near the middle of the field and made my way over, shooting blasts of water here and there. Getting closer, I realized that the flash came from a Hood. Purple Hood was battling Black Hood, scepter against scythe. As I got locked in battle with five wolves, I heard them talking.

"You're wasting your time... and your power." A light and musical female voice said.

"Am I?" a low voice replied. "Give up, Royal. You don't stand a chance."

 "No, Death. It is you who doesn't stand a chance!"

Swing, thrust, jab , jab. I got too wound up in my fight that I didn't realize that the Hoods had noticed me. "It's time to end this!" the female voice exclaimed. "Make a choice, Death. You let me go or this boy dies."

'Oh, so Purple's a girl called 'Royal' and Black's a guy called 'Death' andwait, what did she say?'  I was suddenly raised into the air by my ankle. "Wha— hey! Let me down!"

 "If that's what you wish." Purple Hood said.

The ground beneath me opened up and a few chaos wolves fell in. "No-no-no-no-no. That's not what I meant!"

A purple portal opened up in the direction opposite the hole. "Choose wisely, Death. Save the boy and let me escape... or chase after me and let him fall to his doom."

Purple Hood darted towards the portal in a blur and at the same time, the invisible force holding me suddenly disappeared. I hit the symbol on my chest but nothing happened. "Come on, Jetbeam!" I covered my face with my arms, preparing for what was to come.

I gave a shout of surprise when I felt someone tackle me to the side. I landed on the ground hard and heard a loud 'THWACK!' Looking up, I saw Black Hood's scythe embedded in a tree. He must've thrown it at Purple Hood when she made a dash for the portal. Black Hood himself was already standing up. He reached his hand out and the scythe flew through the air to meet him.

"Um, thanks?" I said, noticing that the wolves were gone. Steven and the others were not far from where we stood. Black Hood stomped his foot and the skeleton warriors sank into the ground. "How'd you—" Black Hood turned to face me with lightning speed and hissed at my face. I quickly stepped back. Even up close, I only saw darkness under the hood. He then dissolved into black mist.

"Geez, I was just gonna ask about the skeletons." I muttered, changing back when I realized I was still in Aquatron form.

"What happened?" Steven asked, walking towards me.

"Black Hood. This time he was battling a Purple Hood. He saved me... but lost Purple Hood instead."

Johnny examined the hole. "You didn't change form?"

"I couldn't. Purple Hood must've put a spell on the Omegatrix."

Meanwhile, Clam walked over to the hole and stomped his foot. The chasm closed up instantly. "Was there anything else?" Danny asked.

"Well, Purple called Black Hood 'Death' and he called Purple 'Royal' in turn,"

"Death? Well, that explains the skeletons." Lazlo mused. "Did you see his face?"

"No, it was too dark under the hood. Or maybe he doesn't have a face at all." I muttered the last part.

"Don't be ridiculous, Max." Steven said. "Come on. Crystal must be at DTC HQ already."


Crystal was not 'at DTC HQ already'. After thirty minutes of doing nothing, I decided to make a sandwich.

"Hmm, let's see... pickles, burger patty, pickles, lettuce, cheese, pickles, pickles, and... more pickles!" I finished, placing the bread on top. Just as I was about to take a bite...


"Sir, there's a security breach in the courtyard."

"On it, Jarvis." I heard Steven say. "Let's go, guys. Max!"

"Coming, coming." I ran towards the doorway and before running down the corridor, turned to look at the sandwich I left on the kitchen counter. "Stay right there, sandwich! I will return!"

The vision of Max slowly melts into darkness.

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