Chapter 50: Um, Surprise?

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Thankfully, the Zerbantimum had helped make the earth move quickly. In two seconds flat, I was at the edge of the landing, grabbing hold of Crystal and pulling her up. It was tough work with my limbs shaking, the water demons splashing and Crystal struggling in my grip, seemingly reliving a terrible memory.

The water demons hissed as I managed to get Crystal on dry land, making watery sounds that I guessed were not compliments. Crystal was still kind of in panic mode, coughing out the water from her lungs and struggling to sit up straight. I stood up in front of her, facing the creatures as they drew nearer with determination on my face. They wouldn't be drowning anyone today.

With my remaining energy, I pounded my fist to the ground, creating a shockwave that sent the water demons away with the strong ripples it caused. I was fine at first, doing a cool pose like the guys in the movies do after a special attack, but soon I felt my hand ache from impact as the gem's power wore off. Having recovered from earlier, Max came over to help us to the tunnel, where we crashed down for a safe and proper rest. I took off my helmet as I sat down, wiping my forehead in relief. We were safe... for now.

"I told you I didn't want to go in the water," Crystal said, eyes closed as she leaned against the wall. She looked terrible with her hair half covering her face and her wet clothes sticking to her skin. The hoodie she had on for warmth was useless until it dried.

"Crystal," I said gently, remembering what she had yelled earlier, "back in the water when you were shouting for... for your friends, what did you mean by 'not again'?"

I was met with silence for a few moments before she cleared her throat and made to stand up, clearly not wanting to discuss it. "We, uh, we should go get the peridot."

"You almost drowned, Crystal," Max said, giving her a look. "The peridot can wait. You're exhausted. You should rest for a few minutes." After a few moments he added, "Now don't hold back on us Crystal, have you faced the water demons before?"

Crystal sighed, and sat back down, tucking her knees up to her chin. She stared straight ahead like most people do when they're remembering something. "It was around a year ago, a little before we all met up. My troop and I... we were assigned to solve an investigation. It was just a training exercise, but it turned out to be bigger than we thought." She put out her hand as she spoke, creating a small blaze on her palm to warm us all up. "The higher-ups banned us from continuing the task. 'Leave it to the seniors', they had said. Naturally, we didn't listen. Our findings led us to an underground lair, accessible by mole or boat." By then, I could tell where this was going. I glanced at Max and saw that he came to the same realization. They had bitten off more than they could chew.

Crystal laughed cheerlessly, the fire light reflected in her eyes. "The signs were there. We should have known the guy was a topnotch magician. His minions attacked full force and as I fought off the mole-men, I fell into the lake. The water demons... they surrounded me and..." Crystal squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. Max and I each put a hand on her shoulder in comfort. It was a terrible thing, drowning. Being drowned when you know how to swim is harder. "Well, let's just say I'm glad my team got me out when they did." She cleared her throat. Crystal always seemed uncomfortable with 'heart-to-heart' talks, preferring the action and adventure instead. "Could you, uh, not tell Steven? He's got enough on his hands and... I don't think it's necessary to..."

"Right. Of course."

"Sure, sure..."

Steven had the tendency to go ballistic when something happens to family, even more so when he isn't told right away. I could see why she didn't want him to know.

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