Chapter 23: Wanna have a Round with ol' Red Cap?

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You feel a pulling sensation and find yourself back in your room. The room appears to be spinning for a second or two. As soon as it stops, Crystal comes crashing through a portal, wearing a white cloak over her normal jeans and T-shirt. She turns towards the portal, taking out a Keyblade. "Hey! Either you give up or..." She realizes where she is. "Or... continue training so that you'll be able to reach my level." You hear a warbled noise as she closes the portal. "Oh, hey! Hi! How's it going? Been mind-traveling lately, eh?" Black spots enter your vision as you stagger slightly. "Hey, are you okay? .... Listen, maybe you should take a rest from mind-traveling. Just for today! Your vital signs are a little weak. Have you been experiencing dizziness lately? Oh, you have. Apparently, your brain can only handle so much. So, I forbid you from mind-traveling anymore today, got that? .... Don't worry, you won't miss much... we're just gonna get the amethyst and I'll come right back. I'll fix you up and you'll be free to mind-travel again. Just... stay here. Lie down and, um, don't... do anything reckless. See ya!"

Crystal goes back through her portal. You sit down and ponder the situation. You could either spend the rest of the day chatting with your friends and surfing the net or take the risk of mind-traveling to see the action that will occur.

'Won't miss much? I doubt that. It won't hurt to mind-travel... just for a bit. I'll just watch until Crystal gets back. She'll never know. And what she doesn't know won't kill her... or me, right? Now, where was I? Ah, yes...... Max Trever, there's danger in the air.'


Nearing the courtyard, I saw Crystal battling... nothing. She was swinging Fidelis wildly around. I slowed down to a walk ten feet away. "Crystal, what are you doing?"

She looked at me and her eyes widened. "Max, jump!"

I did as she said and at the same time, she threw a dagger in my direction. It struck something three feet in front of my leg and some sort of disgusting liquid came oozing out. "What's going on, Crystal?"


"Wha-" Something warm and wet hit my face. I wiped it off. "Gross! Who spit on my face?"

"That would be me." I looked down to see Hogsqueal, the hobgoblin from Spiderwick, standing beside a dead goblin body. "Gotta go!"

He ran off, probably to spit on the other D.T.C. members, who weren't far behind me. That was when I saw the army of goblins Crystal was fighting. I took out my Keyblade, but before I could move, I felt a stab on my leg.

"Gah!" I quickly slashed at the goblin responsible. As I fought my way deep into their ranks, I heard noises of disgust and surprise from the D.T.C. Hogsqueal had done his job.

After a few minutes of fighting, Steven came up beside me. "Why are the goblins here?" he asked, disarming a goblin with a weird eye patch. "I mean, of all creatures to send, Red Hood chose the goblins. Why?"


Lazlo had begun to throw tomato sauce at them. As their numbers lessened, we got a clear view of Crystal. She was locked in a dangerous dance with Red Cap, the goblin commander. Salt was being tossed at anyone who tried to interfere.

Crystal jumped towards him with her sword raised in the air. As Red Cap raised his sword to block it, Crystal froze and disappeared. She reappeared behind him and slashed his pouch. I shuddered involuntarily, remembering that Kingdom Hearts' Vanitas used to do that appear-disappear trick. Something shiny dropped out of Red Cap's pouch. As Crystal reached for it, Red Cap turned around and stabbed her hand. Crystal screamed in pain and Red Cap quickly disarmed her. She thrust her right hand out the moment the sword left it but just as it started to glow, Red Cap threw some sort of dust at her. She seemed to lose consciousness, but one thought was sent to me, to all of us. 'Get the amethyst.'

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