Chapter 26: A Cute Encounter

Start from the beginning

I let out a sigh and turn to Stephan when Jane can't be seen anymore. "Care telling me who that woman is? And why the heck do I have pretend as your girlfriend?"

Stephan shook his head then took another glass of champagne on the table. "You shouldn't have done that, Doll. You'll be screwed."

My eyebrows frowned and anger fills me. "She insulted me and insulted you! Don't tell me you chickened out and let her say anything she wants! I don't let other people talks to me like shit."

Stephan drank the glass in one straight. "I know." He murmured and he seems to be in deep thoughts. "That woman is nothing to me. She's just too obsessed to be together with me while I didn't promise her anything."

"You two dated or something?"

"We never dated, Doll. We just lusted for each other in one party and then there. We never had anything romantic, seriously. I didn't even kissed her!" He blurred out, running his hands through his hair and his jaw was clenched.

"She's crazy, that's for sure." I whispered.

She came in such a wrong time.

Then after a few silence between us, Stephan already broke it by grabbing my hand. "Anyway, don't mind her. She is nothing to me."

"So? I don't care who is she in your life.. Who's even asking?" I rolled my eyes with a match of hair flipping.

Stephan scoffed then smirked. "Is that jealousy that I'm sensing?"

My eyes shot open "Excuse me. I'm not jealous and why would I be."

He chuckled and tugged his hand in his pocket. "Those are the words jealous people always say when they are jealous."

"You're so full of yourself, idiot." I slapped his arm harshly. "Why don't you just shut that mouth of yours and try to be kind just for tonight. Jeez, why did I even agree to this set up?" I whispered to myself.

I saw Stephan's mouth formed into a smile. "Just admit it, Ariana. You like me. That's why you can't stay away from me." His tone was so low and it holds nothing but seriousness. With that, he left me standing there as he approached a man on the other side of the rooftop. "Mingle around, Doll. I'll just talk to my little brother over there." He said before leaving me.

I just rolled my eyes and faced away from him. This man really had a lot of nerves. He should be grateful that I came here with him and try to act so friendly to him after what happened between us.

I don't care if he wants me. I just want him to act like what a gentleman should act. And respect my commitment with Cliff.

I tried to talk to some people while Stephan is talking to Marko. I can see his eyes checking on me from time to time if I'm okay. I had a few chat with some guests and every single one of them owns a business. They are all rich people. Guess you really have to try my best to blend in since I'm not really a sociable kind of girl. I just want to stay in my room and read books then bake. Those are all the things that I need.

I don't need a crowd like this though.

Two muscular men suddenly approached while I was drinking on the corner. They are both handsome and hot, really.

"Hi, my name is Aaron." The taller one with the black Mohawk hair. He had tons of tattoos in his arms just like Stephan. He offered his hand in front of me and I gently shook it. "You must be Ariana?"

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