A Guide to Being an 'Adult'

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This was very kindly requested, and it's actually a really good idea. I do mean what I say in here, but I'm also trying hard to be funny so some things may be a bit exaggerated.

I'm a bad adult. As I've mentioned, your girl is struggling.

-First off: your love life becomes important? People genuinely find it interesting about who you're seeing and how that's going. With me it's been going like this:

Friend: "How's (person I'm seeing)?"

Me: "Really good thanks!"

Friend: "Are you dating?"

Me: "...I guess? Kind of?"

Currently, I'm in an open relationship, which actually works for me because I have just enough momentum and confidence that I'm not worried about my partner; however, they're also very demisexual, so I don't have to really concern myself with that aspect. I'm just naive enough that I won't really think about consequences of polyamory and, also, it's college. I've already 'experimented' with girls (understatement of the century) and I might as well do some kind of crazy thing. (For real though, if you're considering an open relationship: I haven't been in one for long so I'll write more later, but make sure you lay down the rules!!)

-Another part of adulthood! Everyone smokes weed. It's actually boggling how prevalent weed is on my campus. I don't really care, but if you're someone who is opposed to it or are likely to give in to peer pressure, please stay safe. I know weed isn't bad, but just take care of yourself. Get it from a reliable source. Don't get scammed.

-People post a lot of compromising things on the internet. My friend knows someone who posts explicit photos while naked for everyone to see, and will openly discuss any and all details of her sex life. I'm going to give you one piece of advice: don't. post. about. sex. Frankly, it's great if you're getting laid. Good for you, seriously. But you have family and friends on social media, and possibly teachers. Do you want your English teacher seeing a picture of your nipples?

I'll answer for you.

No, you don't.

There are aspects of your life that I will always believe should be private, and your sex life is 10000000% one of them. What happens if you're applying for a job and they pull that up? First: you'll be mortified. Second: you won't get hired.

-This part of your life is a lot of fun. Everyone is looking to have a good time, in various forms. People are often friendly, just start up a conversation. Compliment people, and smile. I've gained a lot of friendships through people complimenting me/me giving someone a compliment. Start it over a noticeable feature. People often start a conversation with me over my hair, because it's not that common (and really cute teehee).

-Being a young adult is honestly the best time to be gay. A lot of people are a little curious. Kiss kiss.

-Drinking is common, even if you're underage. Be smart. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been drunk (heyymmoon got to experience that), but I really had my friend watch out for me and make sure I got to my room safely. If you're going to drink, make sure you trust them. I'm a pretty friendly drunk, so I was saying hi to people across the street, but I probably would have faced some worse consequences if my friend hadn't walked me back. Be safe. Be smart. Have fun. Have your roommate take stupid videos of you revealing way too much about your thoughts on everything.

-Listen to the voice in your head. Sometimes it knows what it's doing. If you can't explain why you need to do something (besides murder and anything illegal, please dear jesus) but you have a strong urge to (like talking to someone, going to a place, etc.) do it if possible. Intuition is real and helpful.

-You are not done growing and maturing. I know what you're thinking. Legally you're an adult. But you most likely don't have a full time job. You probably don't have your own place. You're probably trying to get free food out of tinder. Hell, me too. Remember this: you don't know shit. Stay humble. Being an adult is realizing that you won't and don't always have the answer. You can't fix everything. You can not use your positive traits for negativity. You're going to learn a whole lot, especially over the next couple of decades. Hang in there.

Since I've reached the end of this part on adulting, I'll leave you guys some stories.


I lost a bet to my roommate and had to wear a dinosaur onesie to class. My professor gave me a high five and told me he liked the dragon hood. I looked freaking great (photo up top of the pajamas but not me in the pajamas)


During the middle of the night, the fire alarm went off and I jumped down from my bed. I didn't know I could be so fearless. I burst out the door before realizing I should probably wait for my good roommate.


I found out what the terms 'pitcher' and 'catcher' meant. What the hell, y'all.


Some people brush their teeth in the shower? I just...................... :/

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