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I basically wanted to write this just so you guys know I'm not a ghost or something. 

Hello, hi, I am here writing this to you. I hope your day is going well and you saw a cute cat video today.

In a true case of writer's block, I have no idea what topic to write about, so I'm just going to talk about me and what's going on right now.

1. It's so fucking hot outside. I love the heat but the humidity is killing me (and my hair).

2. School is really stressful????????? Someone needs to fix that.

3. Dicks out for Harambe

4. I had to buy a ton of shit for my chemistry lab, and I'm still salty about it. The course is expensive enough, why can't they let me just borrow a lab coat?

5. I've actually been taking care of myself physically by going to the gym and walking a lot, and it feels really nice. It's definitely helped my mental health (my therapist has been trying to get me to work out for the past six months but I was too lazy and was technically healthy enough to not really have to hit the gym).

6. Oreo pancakes taste nasty, please never try them. I thought they'd be a lot better than they were.

7. If you're ever stressed out and have time, try coloring. It helps me a lot, especially when I feel guilty or anxious over something that isn't even a big deal. Also, it looks so nice when you're done!

8. I love you a lot. You can do anything.

9. This is more of a callout to myself, but if you know you can't handle dairy well then don't fuCKING EAT ICE CREAM THAT YOU KNOW WILL MAKE YOU SICK. YOU KNOW BETTER. 

10. One of my old teachers told us the way she survived school and long nights of studying is by listening to film scores (the instrumental background music). I tried it and honestly it's saved my ass so much especially when I had to study for calculus this week (I got a 90 and don't have to do extra work to make up for the material I would have otherwise failed!!!). My current favorite is the Pirates of the Caribbean, but there's a ton out there (Hunger Games, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, etc.) Seriously, just go on Spotify or YouTube and check it out. It's the best study tip I've ever received. 

Have a great day/night!!!! xoxoxoxo

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