A Proposition

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Okay, so I'm going to start this with a disclaimer to not get your hopes up.

Basically I'm going to cut to the chase and say that I've been thinking about creating a YouTube channel and it'll be like a subunit of this book. I'm not planning on ditching this book, though. I still want to update it a lot.

However, I think it'd be cool to have videos and all that awesome shit.

On the other hand, I'm very much into my privacy and staying anonymous, so again, please don't be disappointed if I don't end up creating one. I do really value being an unknown person, just someone that writes for fun.

So. My real question is this: if I were to create a channel, what would you want my first video to be about? I need ideas because my brain isn't coming up with any and I need help. I'll go with the most popular idea and/or the one I like the most. If you have ideas, and you want to share, please just message me or leave a comment.

Thank you!!!!!!!!

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