Disturbing... The conversation was getting away from us, though.

"Anyone else?" Kadi asked. Most of the room was hesitant, indecisive. "I'll start assigning people if we don't get at least two more."

"Why aren't-a you going?" Romano asked the Basque territory.

"I will be maintaining the portal to Hell," Kadi answered. "Otherwise, everyone who goes in will be stranded until it opens again."

"I guess I'd be a good person for this mission," Vale piped up without raising her hand. Russia looked over at her with a bit of a proud smile that was partially hidden by his ever-present scarf.

"You would," Kadi agreed with her daughter.

Silently, one more hand went up in the air. Heads turned, some eyes were a bit wide.

"You too, Japan?" America asked in an almost cheer.

"Hai. If you are rooking for stearth and speed, I suppose I would be a good candidate," Japan explained.

I grinned. 'Ninjas~'

"That's five people," Kadi stated. "England, Alice, Vale, America, and Japan. If no one else wants to go, I think we have our team."

"... Count me in," Rayn said suddenly without looking at anyone in particular. She seemed to have a sort of epiphany, almost.

"Uh, Rayn, if America goes you have to stay here," I said to her.

"Do I really, though?" she asked me rhetorically. "I want to teach these demons a lesson. A damn fuckin' good one, too."

"Language," I reminded her sternly, clapping my hands over Evan's ears. He was sitting in my lap, after all.

"We're not teaching them a lesson, anyway," Kadi spoke up, making Rayn turn toward her. "We want to avoid contact with the demons as much as possible. Think about it this way: the only way Alice was able to have a chance at fighting one of them was because she nearly overused her magic on a swiftness spell." This earned me a light glare from the ancient country.

I chuckled weakly and rubbed the back of my neck. "Eheheh, yeah..."

"And even then, she didn't win the fight."

"He called it off before I got the chance to finish him off!" I corrected. "I would've won..." This I grumbled like a pouting child.

"Sure, you keep thinking that," Kadi said with a smirk. "The point is, barely any of is would have a chance against the demons if it ever came to a fight. We have to take every precaution." Rayn opened her mouth to speak, but Kadi cut her off with a strong sentence. "And if you're in such a state of anger and yearning for revenge, you wouldn't do the mission any favors."

Rayn shut her mouth and sent Kadi a long, hard glare before leaning back in her seat with a sigh. "Yeah, whatever."

"When can we get going?" I asked.

"You aren't going anywhere until you get some proper rest," Kadi told me with a finger aimed my way.

"What?" I whined.

"Didn't you hear me earlier? Your magic is too low, and you're weak even if Vale and I did heal your wounds. If you don't rest for at least eight hours, you're not going to Hell."

Wow, she was getting bossy! I quietly grumbled something incoherent and definitely not suited for children to hear.

"The same goes for you, too, Bushy-Brows," Kadi said.

Where Thou Art, That Is Home (Hetalia Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now