Chapter 20

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Ryan's P.O.V

"How are you, Ryan?" Someone actually asked me that the other day. How am I? How the hell do you think I am? One of my brothers is gone. I'm just fucking peachy.Hell, we're all about to throw down and party. I swear, people are either too stupid or ignorant. Not sure which one.

It's only been a few days since Chris was murdered. We had the funeral already. We didn't want to wait no long period of time. The sooner we got it over with, the better.

It was a beautiful service. Chris would have been proud. All of our friends were there. Some we haven't seen in years. Since the majority of our friends are in bands too, it's hard for us to always see one another. Some of them flew all night just to get there to say their final goodbyes.

Ricky was still a mess. I was honestly surprised he managed to hold it together for the service. I think we all half expected him to break down full force during the service. But he didn't.

Both Ricky and myself had moved in with Devin and Josh. We didn't want to be alone. None of us. We needed to be around others who cared about us. And, we knew how to take care of each other as well.

You're probably wondering what happened to the guy that killed Chris, right? Well, he was sentenced to death. Which was something we totally weren't expecting.

Apparently that wasn't the first person he had killed. This guy had a record. He was wanted for killing at least 4 other people in a matter of a few months.

We decided to stop Motionless In White. None of us had the heart to do it without Chris. I couldn't see us doing this with anyone other than him.

The fans were upset, of course, but they understand. We all promised them that when the time is right, we will be back with something. Just not sure what that something is.

Josh and Devin got married. They didn't want to waste a minute without being fully committed to one another. I'm happy for them. If anyone deserves happiness, it's them.

I'm trying my best to take care of Ricky, and I'm doing the best I can. I don't think he'll ever get over losing Chris. Ever.

This kind of thing makes you appreciate the things you do have. I'm glad I still have 3 of my best friends with me. I don't know what I'd do without them.

There isn't a day that goes by where we don't think about Chris. Not a day goes by where we don't miss Chris. I still cry sometimes, and I probably always will. I do that in the privacy of my own room though. I don't want anyone seeing that side of me. And as long as I can help it, they won't.

We have each other. That's all that matters

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