Chapter 2

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Devin's P.O.V.

My name is Devin, but the only people that really call me that are my friends and family. Everyone else refers to me as Ghost. I'm okay with that. Actually, I'd prefer to be called Ghost anyway. Kind of makes it sound mysterious, and I like that. 

I guess I should tell you all a little about myself, huh? Well, my name's Ghost and I'm in the band Motionless in White. I'm the guy who is always wearing the weird costumes on stage. Yeah, that guy. Someone asked me once why I dress the way I do onstage. My reply? Simple really. I enjoy it. Devin Sola and Ghost are two completely different people. When I'm onstage with the guys, rocking out, that's Ghost. When the lights go down and the crowd dies off, I'm just Devin. 

Honestly, I think that makes things better. You get the best of both worlds, so to speak. Wow, did I really just reference a Hannah Montana song there? Forgive me, touring has got the best of me. 

I get to tour the world with my best friends. Guys who over the years have become a family to me. I also get to do all of this with the love of my life, Josh Balz. Sorry ladies, he's off the market and has been for over a year now. 

I honestly don't know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as him. Our relationship is perfect. It really is. After things ended with Ryan and Kylie, I think we both thought our chance at love was over. We were both head over heels in love with our girlfriends. They were both amazing individuals. But, things happen and sometimes things don't work out. We're all still friends now, which is saying something. Most relationships that end, end badly and each person go their own way never speaking to the other person again. I'm still able to call Kylie one of my best friends. 

Josh is an incredible man who has shown me more love than I ever thought possible. I consider myself lucky to get to call him mine. 

Our fans have accepted this with open arms, hell most of them act as if we should have been together for years. Maybe we should have. It feels right with him. More right than anything else in the world. 

I'd never been more ready to get a room than I was now. The only bad thing about dating someone in your band is you never seem to have anytime alone. Thankfully, that was all going to change next week. I couldn't wait. 

"I can't wait to spend some time alone with you." I said, running my fingers across Josh's tattooed flesh. 

"I can't wait either, baby." He said with a smile. 

God. That smile. Still makes me weak in the knees even after all this time. 

Life was good, and I couldn't wait to see what life had in store for us next. 

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