Chapter 3

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Josh's P.O.V.

We'd finally arrived in Michigan and the bus was pulling in the hotel parking lot when my eyes opened slowly, taking in my surroundings. I smiled when I saw Devin still sleeping soundly next to me. I hated to wake him, but we needed to get our stuff together soon. 

"Baby?" I called out softly, gently shaking his shoulder.

He groaned and shook his head, pulling me down closer to him. 

I laughed, shaking my head as I pressed a kiss to the top of his forehead "Baby, wake up. We're at the hotel. Don't you want to sleep in a real bed tonight?" I asked. 

It didn't take long for his eyes to open and a smile slowly graced his lips as he kissed me hard, only breaking away from the bus came to a complete stop in front of the hotel we were staying at. 

"Let's go." He said, jumping up and tossing his stuff into a bag. 

I couldn't help but laugh as I watched him toss things into the bag, even grabbing things that didn't belong to him. 

"You know you just packed some of Chris' stuff, right?" I teased him. 

He shrugged his shoulders, laughing. "Hey, I'm in a hurry now. We'll sort it all out later." 

I smiled and threw some of my things into my bag, grinning as Devin whistled when I bent down to grab something. 

We both finished packing and headed to the front of the bus, hurrying off as we waited for the others. As much as I love my band mates, the time away from each other would be a welcomed change. 

We all made our way into the lobby, looking around to make sure no fans were around. We waited patiently as they handed each of us our keys. 

"Sound check is at 3:00 guys. Make sure you all keep your phones on, so if we need to get a hold of we can." Our manager told us. 

We nodded. smiling as we all said our goodbyes and headed to the elevator to our rooms. 

"You hear that, guys?" Ryan started, looking at Devin and I. "Leave your phones on, so you can be reached. That means no turning your shit off so you can have wild monkey sex all night long." 

"Oh shut up" I laughed, gently pushing at Ryan's shoulder.

The elevator opened and Ryan and Chris got off, telling us they'd see us tomorrow. As soon as the doors opened our lips were attached and arms were exploring each others body. 

I sighed when the door opened and we had to move apart for a second. Seeing we were now on our floor, I grabbed his hand and led him down the hallway, stopping at our room. "Here we are" I said, sliding the card in to unlock it. 

Devin stepped inside first, tugging me inside behind him. I dropped my bags, slipping my arms around his waist. "Alone at last." I began, pushing him toward the bed. 

He smiled and dropped his bags as well before laying down on the bed, pulling me down on top of him. "Finally." He said softly, peppering my face with kisses. 

"I love you, Devin." I said, brushing some of his hair away from his eyes. 

"I love you too, Josh." He said softly, taking possession of my lips. His fingers running lightly along my flesh. 

My eyes slipped closed, loving the sensation of our lips touching. I loved being near Devin. Loved the feeling of our bodies combining as one. Hell, we didn't even have to have sex. Just being close to him, feeling his heartbeat was enough for me. These moments were rare, and I enjoyed them as much as I could. 

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