Chapter 10

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Josh's P.O.V

Great. Just my luck. I wake up, lying in a hospital bed and I'm surrounded by a bunch of guys I don't know. I took a deep breath and tried to get out of the bed, but something was holding me down. I wasn't sure what it was at first, until I saw all these tubes and wires that were currently hooked up to every inch of my body. "What the hell is going on?" I asked, directing my question at the doctor standing over me. 

"Do you know what your name is? What year is it? Whose the president?" He asked. 

I'm asking this guy what the hell is going on, and he's giving me a quiz. What kind of idiot does he think I am? "My name is Josh. Josh Balz to be exact. It's 2016. Obama is still our president right now." I said, shrugging "Now, will you please tell me what the hell is going on?"

The doctor looked almost as confused as I did, but he tried to hide it. "Well, Josh, you were attacked. A few guys found you and beat you up. Someone called 911, and that's how you ended up here. You've been in a coma for a few days now." He said softly. 

What? Why didn't I remember any of this? How could I let someone take me down like that? I had never been known to do something like that in the past. 

I sighed and looked around at the 4 guys still looking at me. "So, can someone tell me who these guys are?" I asked, hoping someone could give me some answers.

The doctor nodded "These are your friends, Josh. They've been here since you were brought in. They haven't left your side either." He informed me. 

"Oh." was all I could say. I had no idea who any of them were. But, by the looks on their faces, I could tell they really did know me. I almost felt bad for them, but then again, this wasn't my fault. It's not something I planned on happening. I closed my eyes and wished for sleep to take over. I didn't want to deal with those looks or the questions I could only imagine were to follow. 

"Doc, what's going on?" Chris began, "He doesn't know who any of us are." 

"It appears Josh is suffering from amnesia." He started, writing something down on his clipboard. "This usually happens when someone has experienced something traumatic happens. There is no real way to treat this sort of thing. Sometimes it lasts only a few days, sometimes it can last up to a month or so. We just don't know for sure." 

He said. I swallowed hard and looked from Josh to Devin. I felt like Devin was about to break down at any minute and seconds later, he bolted from the room and began running down the hall. 

I excused myself to the doctor, and headed after Devin. 

It didn't take long to find him. He was standing by the fountain, holding his head in his hands. 

"Hey." I said as I slowly walked toward him, taking a seat on the bench next to him. "Are you okay?" 

He shook his head, and I could see his body jumping as he cried. I wasted no time in wrapping my arms around him, pulling him close. 

Devin's P.O.V

I hadn't even noticed Chris had followed me until he wrapped his arms around me. I knew I was supposed to the strong one, but I couldn't help but break down. Josh had finally woke up and didn't know who any of us were. I was fighting a losing battle and was terrified. 

"I can't handle this." I cried, burying my head in Chris' neck.

"Talk to me, bro." He said softly. 

"What if he doesn't even remember me? What if he doesn't remember any of us?" I asked. 

Chris shook his head "Don't say that, Devin. Don't even think like that. Josh is going to be okay. He's gonna get better and he's gonna get his memory back. I know it."

I sighed softly, finally looking up at Chris. I only hoped he was right. I don't know who he was trying harder to convince, me or him.

It wasn't long until the rest of the guys joined us outside, taking seats on either side of me and Chris. 

"I can't believe this shit is happening" Ricky said, eyes downcast on the ground. 

"I can't either. I couldn't bare to stay in there any longer. It was breaking my heart." Ryan said softly. 

"I was so happy when I saw his eyes were open" I began. "It was like a sign telling me he was getting better and soon things would be back to normal. Then, he says he doesn't know who we are. That killed me. It was like someone stabbed me right in the heart and was twisting the blade." I cried. 

"I can't even imagine the hell you're going through right now." Chris started, running his hand comfortingly across my back. "No matter how hard it is, just remember you're not alone. You have us here for you. We're going to be here every step of the way." He said. 

I nodded, taking in a deep, shaky breath. I honestly have the best friends anyone could ever ask for. I don't think I would make it through this without them. 

"Thank you, guys. I don't know what I would do without you." I said. 

"Hey, no need to thank us. You know that's what a family does, they stand up for each other." Ryan added. 

"Yeah, and we are going to get through this. All of us. We're going to give Josh all the time he needs to get better. We're going to pull him through this. He's going to be fine, we're all going to be fine. I know it." Ricky said with a small smile. 

I hoped they were right. I don't think I could live with Josh not knowing who we were. Not being able to touch him. Not being able to kiss him. Not being able to tell him I loved him. 

"I love you all." I said softly. 

"We love you too, Dev." They  said as we sat there, hugging and comforting one another. 

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