Chapter 6

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Ryan's P.O.V.

I still couldn't wrap my head around the thought that someone had hurt Josh. Honestly, he was one of the nicest guys I know. He would never hurt a fly. Seeing him lying there is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life. Josh was one of my best friends, my brothers. If I was having this hard of a time, I could only imagine how hard this was on Devin. 

I was trying my best to stay strong for Devin, but it was taking everything inside of me not to break down too. I slipped an arm around the bassists waist, resting my head against his shoulder. "He's gonna get through this, bro. He's a fighter and I know he wouldn't leave you. He loves you too much." I said softly. I didn't know who I was trying harder to convince him, or me. 

Devin looked at me, tears streaming down his cheeks "If he doesn't make it, I'll never forgive myself, Ryan. This is all my fault. I was supposed to protect him always and look what I let happen." He cried. 

I shook my head and held him tighter "None of this is your fault, Devin. You were asleep. How were you supposed to know he was going to leave in the middle of the night?" I asked.

Devin sighed and shook his head "That's just it, Ry. Usually when Josh gets up, I wake up. I don't ever stay asleep when he's not next to me. But I did tonight and I don't know why." 

"Well, the fact you're exhausted might have something to do with it." I started, "No one is blaming you for this, and if Josh was awake, you know he wouldn't stand for you talking like that." I said. 

He swallowed hard and nodded. "Thank you, Ryan. I don't know what I'd do without you right now. Where did Chris and Ricky go?" He asked.

I shrugged. "No idea. Said they had to take care of something and would be back soon." I started, stopping when a nurse walked in. 

"Hey, I'm just here to check Mr. Balz's vitals. You can stay." She said with a smile. 

We stepped back, giving her room to examine Josh. I couldn't help but cringe and get a little teary eyed anytime she'd poke him or anything like that. I knew he couldn't feel it, but it hurt me to think he was hurting even a little bit. 

Once she was done examining him, she turned to us, smiling softly "He's still holding on. Seems this guy is a real fighter." She said as she turned to leave the room.

I looked at Devin and he offered a small smile "That's true though. He is a fighter. Always has been." 

I nodded. "Yes he is." I began. stopping when we heard the door open once more and saw Chris and Ricky come through the door. 

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at them. Something was up. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew something was off. 

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, knowing neither of them would be willing to admit anything. 

Chris nodded and remained silent as he walked toward the bed, taking Josh's hand in his. I could see the tears welling up in his eyes and my heart dropped once more. 

"You need to wake up, bro." He started, taking in a shaky breath. "We can't do this without you. We need you. We love you."

I swallowed hard, fighting the urge to break down right then and there. My heart was breaking and there was nothing any of us could do to help him now.

We'd been so wrapped up in Josh that we hadn't noticed the tv was on. Suddenly, a news broadcast came on that caused us to listen closely. 

"A shooting has occurred and a man is dead tonight...I'm Cindy Peters and this is eyewitness news. Tonight a mans life was taken too soon. The shooting happened a few blocks from Mery General Hospital. Unfortunately, no one was with the victim when he was shot, but witness say they saw two males fleeing the scene. We'll keep you updated on this story as details come in."

My heart dropped and I felt sick to my stomach again. This couldn't be happening. They weren't talking about Chris and Ricky, were they?

Ricky was scared. Anyone could tell that. I sighed and stepped aside, shutting the door as I looked around at my brothers.

"Are they talking about you two?" I asked softly, not really wanting to know the answer to that question. 

Chris swallowed hard and his gaze fell to the floor, I could see the tears streaming down his cheeks and he nodded his head. 

Devin shook his head and looked at them, "No. You didn't. Please tell me you didn't."

"We couldn't let him get away with this. We couldn't. He hurt us. He hurt someone we all love. How could we allow it to happen?" Ricky started "He came in the bar and was bragging and laughing like nothing happened. Like he'd done nothing wrong. So, we took care of him. I wish I could say I felt bad about it, but I don't. Now, he can't hurt anyone anymore." He said, keeping his eyes locked on Josh's still frame. 

I wanted to be angry at them. They took someone's life. But in all honesty, part of me had wanted to do the same thing. I just wasn't brave enough to do it. Plus, I didn't want to leave Devin's side, even for a minute. 

"Thank you..." Devin said softly, smiling at them. "I know what you did was wrong, but I know why you did it. Thank you for sticking up for him. That means a lot to us." He said.

Chris nodded "But now, we could end up in jail if they find out it was us." 

Devin shook his head as he looked back at Josh "That's not going to happen. We're going to protect each other. Like we always do."

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