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From as long as he can remember, he can see things. Dead souls, or ghosts to be more precise. It's something only he knows he's capable of doing though. (His family is well aware of his 'ability' of course, although nobody openly acknowledges it and at 10 he understands enough to participate in their pretences.) But the fact of the matter remains.

He can see ghosts.

And most of the times, he's okay with it. But sometimes, he wished he was normal.


Right now.

"Park Yoochun." Mr.Lee quietly fumed. "Would you care to explain to me what happened here?"

Glancing at the mess all around him, Yoochun knew he's in in for some big trouble. However, there's no way he can tell the teacher the truth. Anything near a 'I'm sorry Sir but this is all Kim Jaejoong's fault. He's angry because I refused to confess to my crush.'  will never work. It'll only make him sound stupid and delusional. Everyone know both the Kim twins were dead and nobody believed in ghosts enough to buy such excuse anyway.

"I'm sorry Sir." Yoochun pretended not to see Jaejoong smirking because nobody's supposed to be able to see his soul floating without a care anyway.

"What happened Yoochun?" Mr.Lee suddenly sounded worried. "Are you okay? Do you need to talk?"

Yoochun bit his lips and shook his head, no. He always feel guilty for lying but he had to. "I'm just a little stressed with the exams. I don't know how- I'll clean up the mess now Mr.Lee. I'm really sorry. I really don't know what came to me."

Mr.Lee studied him for a moment. "No. You can go home. It's already late. I'll ask the cleaners to fix this. But I want you to visit the School Counsellor tomorrow, okay? Stress is a very dangerous thing. We don't want a repeat of this, right?"

"Thank you Sir." Yoochun bowed deeply.

"Good guy." Jaejoong commented offhandedly and Yoochun twitched. Thank goodness he still had his head down or else the teacher might misunderstand again. He uttered another quick apology and left the place in a hurry. "I can see why he's your favourite teacher. Too bad he's gonna be seeing a lot of repeat though. I can just imagine his disappointed expression when-"

"Shut up." Yoochun hissed. He'd never ever met such an annoying ghost like Jaejoong before who seemed to know everything about him. Was he that easy to read? "Stop messing with my life already."

"I won't~ But..."

Yoochun sighed. "Fine fine, I'll ask him out. Satisfied now?"

As expected, Jaejoong whooped and flew through the ceiling in excitement. "What's there to be so happy about?" Yoochun grumbled.

There's a reason why he never confessed to his crush all these years. And no, he's not afraid of rejection. On the contrary, he expected it. After all, the boy's most probably straight (he can't really tell since the other never showed any type of interest for anyone) and might not even know he existed. But the possibility of Shim Changmin hating and shunning him scared him more than anything. He just can't understand why Jaejoong kept on pushing him to pursue his love interest. Usually ghosts that stalked him only do so in order to force him to help solve their problems. But Jaejoong...

"You better take responsibility if he decided to tell people I'm gay. And if I get bullied because I confessed to him, I'll- Huh? Jaejoong?" No reply. Yoochun sighed.

The ghost's gone.

For now.

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