BAD DAY? [1/5]

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Today has been a very very bad day and with the way his luck has been going lately, he's pretty convinced it'll only get worse. Jaejoong sighs, feeling less claustrophobic now at the thought of losing his current job. How on earth is he going to pay his bills now?

"Are you okay now?"

The sudden question successfully reminds Jaejoong that he isn't trapped in the lift alone. The other man (a rather stylish and good looking stranger) has been there when Jaejoong all but screech for him to hold the lift, still there when he keep sneezing and shaking inside the small enclosed spaces, and also there with him when Jaejoong turn ridiculously hysteric the moment the lift stopped abruptly between floors. It wouldn't be that embarrassing really considering his claustrophobic fear since he's a little kid but the fact that the other remains calm and in control enough to find the emergency button instead of wailing (like he did) sure makes him feel stupid right now. He silently thanks God that the dim red light currently flickering over the top of the doors isn't bright enough to illuminate his heating cheeks. He already lost too much pride in front of the handsome stranger, he can't handle the man seeing him blushing like a girl too thank you very much.

Jaejoong takes a deep breath to steady himself and let out a small laugh. "I... I'm fine. Yeah. Thanks. Uhh. Do you think anyone heard the emergency bell?" He laughs again, albeit a little bit more forced compared to before. To his surprise, Jaejoong hears a slight rumbling before he notices the man removing his coat in the dark and then wordlessly draping it over him.

"Don't worry. It might take a few minutes at most but we'll be rescued soon." Came his calm reassuring voice.

Jaejoong swoons inside his head. He still feels weak in the knees at the stranger's kind action even as he stutters. "Th-thanks."

"So what happened?" The man casually asks.

Reminiscing his day from hell, Jaejoong winces and figures he better start talking just to get his mind off from his current predicament. "My alarm didn't go off this morning. And I missed my bus so I had to walk. But then it rains and I left my umbrella at home but I was already running so late... I can't lose this job now. That's why I even used this damn lift today. Of all day…" Jaejoong hugs the coat tighter, frustrated. "I have a fear for small enclosed spaces you know but now I'm soaked and trapped in this stupid lift for nothing. Mr.Noh will fire me for sure this time, I know it. Urgh I hate working here. God I wouldn't even consider working here if-" Jaejoong stops, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"If?" The man prompts, and Jaejoong sighs.

With the way the man was dressed and the fact that he's casually using the staff lifts, it isn't that hard to guess who the man is. No matter how much Jaejoong hates working at the Jung's store, no matter how terrible Mr.Noh treats him, he can't talk about it to one of the Jung's executives. He just can't. He's not such a man. "Nothing." Jaejoong dismisses him before groaning out loud. "Why are they taking so long? I-"

"Hello? Hello? Is there anyone in there?"

Relieved at the unexpected voice, Jaejoong starts yelling again. "Oh god, help! We're here! Please help us! We're in here!"

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