Chapter 61: A family dinner

Start from the beginning

"So we are moving back to the Fire Palace?"

"Iroh please. I don't want to go back there."

"Fine. But I need an explanation."

She sighed and nodded:"I just have enough of living there. Don't be upset but I just can't handle the hectic atmosphere there anymore. I want my privacy. I want our children's privacy, Iroh."

"It's not only that am I right?"

Saira didn't look at me, just to the floor and then back to me:"No everything is oka-"

"Saira. I know something is not alright. What is it? Is it my mother?"

"She's doing a wonderful job as a Fire Lady and she is a hard working woman. But she doesn't understand the way I raise Zuko and Ilah."

"Let me guess. This is not the only reason. You have been on many Royal Engagements lately. And I know you don't feel well. Is it because of her?"

" I already said. Mother is a very hard working woman."

"It doesn't give her any right to force you, Saira. You are pregnant and you have your sickness. You should be at home and not working."

She put her hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes. I just realized how tired she looked.

"Iroh...Fire Lady Izumi is a wonderful mother in law. The Fire Nation is very important to her. She wants to represent it as good as possible. I don't want you two to fight because it's useless. It's not fair Iroh, she is your mother."

I could not understand why Saira was protecting my parents so much. They didn't understand what Saira was going through because my mother did not have Saira's constant morning sickness. It was bad because Saira always got hospitalized at the beginning of her pregnancies.

Saira's P.O.V

We were sitting in the dining room and praying before eating. Sarina picked up Mia before we even could start eating. Although I asked her to stay, she needed to leave because Huan, her husband was leaving for the Northern Watertribe and he was going to take her along.

"Who won the elections by the way?", I asked curiously. The council has resigned because of Anti-bending Revolution. They were too easy targets and decided that it would be wise when a single person was leading the United Republic.

"Raiko. He was elected by the non bending majority of the United Republic."

"I hope he takes his responsibility serious."

"No political discussion on the table you two! Sort it out somewhere else!", Lu Ten yelled.

"Speaking of Raiko, I'm afraid your mother and I cannot meet the new president.", father in law spoke.

"What? Why not?", Iroh and Lu Ten asked at the same time.

"Because we are invited to the Southern Watertribe by Katara. Iroh, since you are next to the throne, you will meet him and hold a reception and a State Banquet at the Ursa Palace. Saira, you will join him."

Iroh and I looked at each other. This would be the first State Banquet we would organize alone.

"As you wish.", Iroh said, continuing eating.

"Now you two. Why didn't we know anything about you?", father in law asked Lu Ten and Maira.

"Saira gave us her blessings!", Lu Ten yelled.

I rose my head and could feel my blood fading from my face. All eyes were on me. Again.

"I-I just found out today too. If they love each other, we can't do anything about it.", I said smiling hysterically.
Fire Lady Izumi let out a sigh and nodded:"You are right. And as far as I know Lu Ten, it was his decision to ask you first. So, my son. Please don't blame Saira for it."

Thank you mother!

Suddenly food was flying across the room. I turned my head to Zuko who was smiling at Lu Ten sheepishly. I had enough of my son's behaviour. Although I knew he was a cheeky boy, I didn't know what was wrong with my son today but his behaviour was just awful:" Zuko if you don't stop right now there won't be any ice cream for you. Did you understand?"

"But mommy! Uncle Lu Ten started first!"

"I don't care who started first, I caught you and you know that many children don't have food. So please don't do it again, did you understand?"

"Yes mommy! Sorry mommy."

I just couldn't be annoyed with my son for a long term, so I kissed his cheek and handed him the present, Iroh got for him.

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