Chapter 1

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*this is a pretty long chapter sooooory*
Also I didn't spell check this so sooooory again
I was sitting at the kitchen table eating Frosted Flakes and blasting Zeppelin in my headphones, nodding my head to the beat. My mom and dad sitting in front of me, Their voices muffled by the guitar solo. A little back story on my parents. My mother and father were both unique students at Sky High. My mother has the power to control weather, plants, and she can manipulate time. My father has the power of super speed, the elements (earth, fire, water, wind), telekinesis, and super strength. Usually "super people" don't have more than one or two powers, but my parents were special. They found each other at Sky High and have stuck together through the thick and thin. My father is an ex villain. He wreaked havoc on our city when my mother went into a coma after she gave birth to me. Due to her almost dying from giving birth to me, they decided to not have anymore children. She is his purpose, he could not imagine a world without her, so he wanted to just end the world that was without her. She is the only one who can keep my father at bay. My father nearly destroyed the town until The Commander and Jetstream imprisoned him. They noticed that my father was stable as long as my mother was with him. They released my father on compassionate release when I was six years old. This is where I come in. I have been receiving powers every birthday of my life so far. I received the powers of earth, wind, and water the first three years of my life. Then I received the power of ice, manipulation of weather, flight, manipulation of plants, super speed, time manipulation, super strength, laser vision, telekinesis, shape shifting, elasticity, invisibility, super hearing, x-ray vision, wall crawling, electricity manipulation, regeneration/fast healing, invulnerability, and mind control/ mind reading. Sometimes I receive not only one power but two, and it's not as great as you think. Yes, I'm privileged that I receive all of these powers, and every year there is a new one, but with every power comes pain. I don't just wake up and "oop, there's a new power", no, it is extremely different. It can happen at anytime of the day either the week before, during, or after my birthday. To give you an idea of the "pain" I feel when I receive a power, when I received the power of manipulating electricity I felt thousands of bolts of electricity running through my body whilst being completely conscious. When I received the power of shapeshifting, I could feel every bone in my body break in order to shape shift into a wolf. My first instinct was to shape shift into a wolf, not something easy like a human, but a wolf. Thank you, subconsciousness, thank you. I haven't received the power to manipulate fire, or exert fire from myself like my father can, and I'm not looking forward to it.

My earphones whipped out of my ear, "Audrina!" My mother exclaimed.

"Your mother has been calling your name, I had to take off your headphones, honey." My father said as he was pouring himself a cup of coffee.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, mom, I spaced out." I looked up to see her amber eyes, she leaned back into her chair and crossed her arms, with a soft, compassionate expression on her face.

"Darling, if you're too uneasy about going to Sky High, you don't have to go." She reached over and gently held my hand.

"I'm fine mom, I'm just a little tired." I rubbed her hand then grabbed my belongings and walked over to the door. I looked at my self in the hallway mirror, long, unbrushed curly hair, blunt messy bangs, ripped black jeans, black combat boots, and a ripped Pink Floyd shirt. Great first impression, Audrina, just great.

"Oh, honey, you look great!" My mother rushed over to me and hugged me, tightly I might add.

My dad walked over to me and kissed my forehead, "you will do great, Sky High isn't that bad. Just try not to show all of your powers. People tend to be intimidated, and want to bully you." My father looked down and chucked, "great, great memories at Sky High," he rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses, "just great." He walked back to the kitchen table and sat down. Oh yeah, might I add, my parents got bullied because they had more than one power. Yay... can't wait for Sky High...

A Not So Peaceful Love (Warren Peace Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora