Chapter Thirteen

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            I couldn’t get a taxi, so I ran three miles to the hospital. I ran until my lungs screamed at me to stop and my feet started to bleed. All I could see was his face, terrified, confused, and worst of all: alone. I knew about night terrors since I read book after book on brain activity. Although this is his first time experiencing them, this won’t be the last. Depending on multiple things, they could last for a week or until he’s in his late 80’s, and they’ll most likely be about what he went through with Jake. 

            When I finally came to the doors of the hospital, I ran past the receptionist and up to his floor. I could hear his screams from all the way down the corridor and it spurred me to sprint to his room. I flung open the door to see Kate and a few other nurses trying to calm him down while he thrashes in his bed. My heart breaks at the sight and I almost break down, but I know that’s not even an option right now. I run over to the side of the bed and take his head in my hands. 

            “Eric, baby, please; you need to stop moving. You’re going to hurt yourself," I say in a stern tone of voice which visibly calms him down. He slowly calms his movements until he’s just simply rocking back and forth.  “It’s okay, Eric; it was just a dream. You’re safe." I pull him close to me and hug him tight. I feel his tears soaking through my shirt and him beginning to shake. The hug was awkward since he had a cast on his left hand and multiple tubs and wires wrapping his body, confining him to the bed. He had a cold coat of sweat all over his body and sobs overtook him as he clung to me. I felt at such a loss over what I can do. I want to wipe away every inch of pain he’s suffering from. I want to be the person going through this because someone like him doesn’t deserve it. People like him deserve endless pockets of money and houses of huge proportions and happiness and safety. It physically pained me to sit here and watch him suffer. 

            He had finally calmed down enough to fall back into a fitful sleep and I was relived that he was at peace; at least, for the small amount of time he’s asleep. 

            The facial features that were contorted into an expression of pain only 2 minutes ago were now somber, and undeniably flawless. 

            The slope of his nose, the curve of his eyebrows, the outline of his cheekbones and jaw line; the way his lips formed a slight pout as he relaxed. I was completely and wholeheartedly in love with him, everything about him, and I couldn’t deny that the idea of a life in love without him was a life I found all too unbearable. 

            The nurses left us alone after they checked over everything, and I climbed into the bed with him, resuming my position I had taken earlier that day as I cradled his head and ran my hands through his hair. 

            “Hello," I whispered into his ear. “I know you must be so tired right now-- from everything you’ve been through," I started. I could already feel tears start to form in my eyes. “I want you to know that I’ve never been prouder of anything else before in my life. No car, no materialistic thing of huge value could ever even come close to you. I know I haven’t proved that in the past-- you know keeping you a secret and all-- but I promise once this is all over, once we get back to our little house by the lake, you’re going to never forget it. I’m going to hold your hand everywhere we go. I’m going to take you dancing and we’ll laugh until our sides hurt and I’ll kiss you when I feel like it, not caring who’s watching. I’ll walk by your side into school, I’ll sit with you at lunch and I’ll love you unconditionally until I take my last breath. This, I promise you," I said softly into his ear and finish with a sad smile and a small sniffle. 

“I love you, Eric Scott," I whisper before snuggling into him and falling asleep. 



            My hands are sweating. My mouth is dry. I’m unfamiliar with this room, this large over crowded room. I miss him.


            They file out of the back room in which they discussed the outcome of my future. My sweetheart’s future. They all sit in their assigned seats and one remands standing. 


            My hearts racing. My lungs are telling me they need more air, but it’s the last thing on my mind. The man seated high up speaks. “Has the jury come to a decision?" he barks out. 


            All I hear is the shuffle of papers. The silence is eating me alive and I wonder if this is what drowning feels like. 


            “Yes, we have, your honor," the thin one says. More silence. 


            “By majority vote, Mr. Jake T. Hanson is found not guilty of second degree assault, but will serve 120 hours of community work. Mr. Daniel Hanson, father of Mr. Eric Scott, (who could not be in attendance today) will be given full custody of Eric until he turns 18 in 14 months on account that Mr. Scott is of threat to the local community. Evidence displayed in his government file shows…" 

            He continued on with a speech of certain laws and dates and terms that applied to his statement, but I couldn’t hear it. I couldn’t feel the pain. I couldn’t snap out of it when I heard the wails coming from Claire and the objections being shouted by Shane. I couldn’t move when everyone had left and Claire tugged on my sleeve to get me to stand up. All I saw, all I felt, all I heard was white; white noise, white vision. 

            I stumbled out of the courthouse clinging to myself. I saw him. In his fitted suit, his brushed back hair and his green eyes that were nothing compared to Eric’s; his were long dead by now. 

            “Why did you do this to me?" I spill out in disbelief when I got close enough to him. 

            “Look kid, everyone knows about me being Eric’s father now," he began as he took out his phone and typed a message. “I’m not going to have him running around, being the town douche bag with a slut like you and ruining my name. I’ll fix him, but when he turns 18 he’ll be none of my business anymore. Grow up and get over it. What you do with him is sick anyway. I’m doing you a favor," he says with boredom laced in every word. 

            “Do you not know what you’ve just done?" I say just above a whisper.“You’ve just torn away half my heart!" I yell as he turns to walk away. “You’ve taken the only thing I breathe for on this god damn earth! You’re sick, you know; you’re full of so much hate that you have to rip other people’s lives apart to rebuild your own. You left him! He owes you nothing yet you still tear his life apart. People like you deserve to be locked up-- you and you’re sick son!" I yell and I realize that have everyone’s attention. 

            “Well, he’s mine now, princess. Suck it up and move on," he says before getting into his car and driving off. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much hate inside me all at once. I ran to the wall of the building in front of me and brought my hand back and smashed it into the concrete wall, over and over again. Blood stained my skin, my clothes, and the wall.

            And I didn’t even care.

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