Chapter 8 : Creepy Revenge

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Trolle placed the last rock on the sixteenth step's pressure plate, wings already wrapped around both Daniel and I.

My heart started beating faster as I heard the arrow fire, then ricochet off the wall.

I felt the wings around me shake slightly as Trolle caught the arrow, then sighed.

She gently folded her wings back, sighed again, and mumbled, "These arrows may be useful in a prank I'm planning..."

I opened my eyes, which I had closed in fear that the arrow would hit one of us.

I instantly forgot why I had opened my eyes and realized it was dark.

"G-guys... wasn't there light in this tunnel before?" I asked, not knowing whether or not I was looking at either of them.

Trolle replied in a worried tone, "I-its dark in here to you? It's almost completely lit... wait, where is this light coming from?"

We thought for a moment, until Daniel spoke, "The entrance- wait no... it was covered by dirt when we came in here..."

In a flash, it was light again and I could see both Daniel and Trolle's expressions.

"I-I can see again..." I said.

Trolle was the first to answer, "Yeah, but I can't... and I'm assuming Daniel can't either."

"Nope." He replied.

All of a sudden, a dark, far-away voice spoke, "Hehe, hello, Trolle. Revenge is awesome. I'm guessing you know that with your name being 'Trolle'. There's only one thing I'm wondering," the mysterious voice, which was definitely coming from a guy, paused, "should I just kill you, your boyfriend, and that cute little earth girl now, or should I tourture you a little first?"

I was literally so scared, I pulled Trolle and Daniel into a group hug.

It made me feel safe for about two seconds until I felt something tap on my shoulder. I might have screamed so loudly that Trolle fell and accidentally stepped on the pressure plate of the seventeenth step, which made the arrow fire, which caused me to lean backwards to avoid the arrow, resulting in me falling backwards and Daniel falling on top of me, his lips crashing into mine when my head hit the ground.


I woke up on a cold, hard surface, which I soon figured out was one of the steps of the staircase-of-doom, as I like to call it.

I sat up, wincing slightly at the pain in the back of my head.

I looked down the staircase to see Trolle sleeping silently on the next step down from the one I was on. I looked up the other direction to see Daniel, who was also asleep. I was most shocked when I saw there was someone on the next step up, who was also sleeping. This new guy had light brown hair, and was, surprisingly, human.

I looked back at Daniel, remembering what had happened before I passed out. I brushed my fingers slowly over my lips, remembering the four seconds our lips had touched before I passed out.

I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and sighed. A lot had happened today, besides the accidental kiss that Daniel and I shared.

Lost in thought, I felt something lightly tap my shoulder. I jumped slightly, assuming it was Trolle, I opened my eyes.

She was right in front of my face.

"Good morning!" She said, then smiled.

"Gah! You scared me!"

She looked sad, "No 'good morning' back?"

"G-good morning..." I said, a bit awkwardly.

She smiled again. "Soooo... how did it feel to make out with my bae?"

I utterly shocked. 'Make out' with my bae?

"We did not make out!" I yelled. "It was an accident, okay?"

"Yeah right! My pranks that I'm planning are all going to be used on you!" She yelled in my face.

"Why do you think we kissed? Are you that jealous?" I questioned.

She looked at me like I was stupid. "Of course I'm that jealous! He's my boyfriend and he hasn't even kissed me once!"

I was so surprised. She sounded so mad, but her expression was anything but.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice the new guy had sat up and was stretching.

Quickly, not knowing who he was, I questioned, "Um... new guy over there," he looked at me, "might I ask who you are?"

They looked at me, then started doing something I did not expect.

As if pulling off a mask, which they were, they ripped their face off.

"Surprise!" The girl underneath the mask said. "I'm actually a girl!"

I looked up at the top of her head. Hidden behind her hair were cat ears.

I looked back at her face and was surprised to see she had whiskers, like a cat, and an oddly shaped nose, also like a cat.

When she smiled little sharp-looking kitty fangs showed.

I looked at her hands, which she was waving all over the place while introducing herself, and was surprised, again, to see that she had literal claws. Like that girl's fingernails were so sharp, if she just lightly scratched me, I would probably have a deep cut.

To top it all off, she had a collar, that I'm guessing said her name on it, Symphony Heart.

She interrupted my thoughts, "My name is Symphony Heart! If you couldn't guess, I'm half Yilme and half cat! Also if you couldn't guess already again, I'm Saraemu's sister!"

Saraemu's sister!? This girl was crazy.

I looked back at Trolle, who looked at me and mouthed, "I don't know!"

The cat-girl, Symphony, whoever she was, scared me with, "Its true! Everything I've told you is completely true."

I looked at her in disbelief, and said, "You don't look anything like Saraemu, though..."

She looked up at me, "Well-" she started, but was interrupted by Trolle.

"I got it!" She squealed. "I know how you and Saraemu are related!"

She didn't continue after that. I decided to ask, "How?"

I expected Symphony to reply, but instead Trolle did, "So, Saraemu can turn into a cat, right?"

"Right, Mittens." I replied.

"Well, just look at Symphony! She's obviously part cat! They must be related!"

Symphony then spoke, "Yes! Now you get it! I'm here to help by the way!"

    To be continued in Chapter 9 : Saraemu's Spaceship

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