Chapter 7 : Deadly Stairs

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Once we were all in, dirt covered the entrance.

"No turning back now." I said with a sigh.

We walked down the first fifteen steps, as Trolle said they were all safe till the sixteenth one.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked as I slowly stepped onto the fifteenth step.

"There is a pressure plate on steps sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen. We will have to jump onto step nineteen to avoid getting shot with poisonous arrows." She said.

"How are we supposed to jump? The roof is too low. Is there any way to step on the steps without stepping on the pressure plates?" I asked.

She looked around for another way down, then spoke, "I don't think there is any other way down, besides jumping." She replied.

I looked at the sixteenth step. I could see the pressure plate on it. There was about a half an inch of space on the edge that wasn't covered by the pressure plate.

"Can we step on the very edge of the steps? See it's not covered by the pressure plate." I asked, pointing to the edge.

Trolle looked at the edge, then said, "Its too dangerous. Plus I would have to sacrifice my new shoes." She looked down at her gorgeous black wedges, and sighed.

I thought my idea was great, but if I had Trolle's shoes, I wouldn't want to give them up either. Also, my plan was really dangerous.

We all stood silently, deep in thought. The silence was interrupted by Daniel, "Wait, what if we got some of these rocks," he picked up a few and showed us, "and set them on the pressure plate as a weight so the arrows would fire, then the pressure plate would be stuck down and no more arrows would fire, making it safe to go?"

I replied with, "I have no idea what you just said, but it seems like a good idea!" Yep, I was super confused.

Daniel gave me a thumbs up and looked at Trolle, "Do you think it's a good plan?" He asked.

She thought for a moment, then said, "Yes, I do believe that will actually work! Unlike you and Saraemu."

Daniel looked mad, "We only went on two dates! She thought it wasn't working out, so she broke up with me!"

I interrupted their conversation, "Um, guys, I'm pretty sure Saraemu isn't going to save herself."

They both looked at me with weird looks, like I had interrupted something important. We were supposed to be saving Saraemu not fighting about her.

"Are we gonna go ahead with the plan or not?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

"Wow, girl you don't have to be so sassy, and yes, we are gonna go ahead and do the plan. Go back up one step so you don't get hit. Don't worry ill be ok." She said, picking up some of the more heavy rocks.

I looked at Daniel and was surprised that he looked back with a look of reassurance, as if he knew I needed it.

I looked back at Trolle as if to say 'are you sure you will be ok?'

"Yes, if anything happens I can use my wings to shield myself and you guys."

As if saying I was reassured, I nodded.

"Everyone ready?" Trolle asked.

"Yep!" I said.

"Sure, I guess." Daniel said, absolutely no fear in his voice at all.

"Your not scared?" I whispered, as Trolle started placing rocks on the pressure plate.

He whispered back, "You are?"

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