Chapter 6 : The Prank

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Trolle suggested we should look by Saraemu's house, which was right next to her's. That made it super easy, all we had to do was ask Jake if we could dig around the building for it.

"Hey, Jake? We are looking for something that might be under the building or around it, and we were wondering if we could dig around a bit to see if we could find it."

"Sure, just don't break anything." He said.

I was about to say 'thanks', when Trolle said, "We promise not break anything on purpose! Thank you!"

"No problem." He replied.

I started laughing and they looked at me weirdly.

"You guys are so chill." I said while laughing.

"Um, ok, well we should go start looking for the thing we are looking for! C'mon Kimi!" She said, motioning me towards the door.

When I was about an inch away from the door, Jake asked, "What exactly are you looking for?"

"Um, well-" I started to say, but was interrupted by Trolle, "I dropped a necklace out of my window, but forgot about it. I'm having Kimi help me look for it. This necklace is no ordinary necklace though, it has the perfect shape of my wings on it with every detail engraved in it. I must find it with no delay."

"Okay, just wanted to know, thanks. By the way, if you need help, don't be afraid to ask."

I said, "Ok, if we need help, we will ask you." I walked out the door, dragging Trolle behind me.

"Really? A necklace? Did you even loose a necklace?" I asked.

She replied, and asked, "No, but it was a good excuse, right?"

"Yeah, I guess, but what if we need Jake's help? He will think we are looking for a necklace!"

"We probably won't need his help."

I didn't say anything, I just walked over to the nearest shovel, picked it up, and went back to Trolle and handed it to her.

"Dig, we need to start now." I told her, then went over to the other nearest shovel, picked it up, went to the back of the building, and started digging.

I looked up at her to see if she had started digging yet. Surprisingly, she was still standing in the same place, but she was smiling, and it was kinda scaring me.

"Uh, T-Trolle?" She was really scaring me now.

She began to speak, but her voice was demonic and really scary, "YoU hAve BeEN TroLleD."

I started backing up, but bumped into someone. I turned around to see who it was. It was a guy, and what's really creepy is that he was smiling like Trolle.

He started laughing normally, which was surprising, because I thought he was going to sound demonic, like Trolle.

"Really Daniel? You ruined my prank!" She yelled and crossed her arms.

"Wait, this was a prank? I thought we were trying to scare Kimi, and she looked scared to me." He said.

"NO THIS WAS A PRANK, FOR A PRANK WAR! Do you even know there is a prank war going on right now?" She yelled, slowly walking towards him.

"I'm sorry Trolle, I really didn't know you were doing a prank." He said, while also slowly towards her.

She stopped, "No, it's my fault. I should have told you it was a prank." She ran towards him and hugged him.

I interrupted their hug, "Um, guys? Could anyone explain what just happened and who he is?" I pointed at the guy.

He spoke, "Hi, I'm Daniel! I'm Trolle's boyfriend."

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