Chapter 1 : Kitty Catastrophe

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My morning started off normal, well as normal as it could, living with two cats, three dogs, and a lazy chinchilla. Every morning I have to feed them, or else chaos takes over.

"Hey Max," I say as I reach for the dog food, "here you go." As I poured some of the dog food into Max's bowl, I realized I had forgot to let Cassidy back in last night.

"Mom! I forgot to let Cassidy back in! Could you see how she's doing and let her back in to eat?" I said, worried that she got ate by a wolf or something. If you didn't know Cassidy is a Pomeranian, and doesn't do well outside.

Just as I started to pour some food into the cat's bowls, I heard, "OMG, Cassidy! What did you do?!" After I heard the OMG I started racing towards the back door.

When I got there what I saw was unexpected. Ok so first of all, I thought Cass was hurt or something, but she was definitely not hurt, just super dirty.

What was hurt was the backyard, "Haha, didn't know Pomeranians could do this much damage."

"Uh, me neither." my mom says.

"I don't know how we're going to clean this up, but I got to get to school, like right now." I say, packing my backpack.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to print my essay on the solar system, be right back." As I rushed to the computer, logged on my profile, and pulled up my essay, I noticed I hadn't finished it yet.

"I have enough time, I think." I state, typing fast.
Just as I type the last few words Mittens, our cat, shows up to say hello and probably try and ruin my essay.

"No, go away." I say, staring at her intensely. She says meow in return, and walks up on the keyboard and sits down.

"Mittens! Get off!" I say, picking her up and putting her on the ground. I looked at the screen to see the damage that had been done.

I was shocked that auto correct was on, and had corrected the words to this, "Planet... Nexoo?" I was so confused, and mystified that auto correct typed this strange word, I almost forgot that I needed to be at school in ten minutes.

"Oh no, really Mittens? You probably made me late!" I say backspacing everything Mittens had added.
I printed my essay, grabbed my bag, and rushed to the car.

As my mom drove me to school I asked, "Mom? Did you know that auto correct corrected what Mittens typed to Planet Nexoo?" She looked at me and smiled.

"Who knows what auto correct, well, knows?"

I turned and looked out my window, thinking about what my mom said. I remember reading something somewhere that people have to program stuff like that to say stuff like that, but why would they put that in there?

As I was questioning, my mom pulled into the school parking lot. I got out and walked in the doors, ready to begin a new day of 7th grade.

After school my mom drove me home. When we got home I rushed to the computer to search stuff. I decided to search 'Planet Nexoo' first. A bunch of things about planets popped up, but none were called Nexoo. Next I decided to search 'auto correct' because that's what typed this.

I clicked on the first link and read to myself,

Auto correct is kinda like a dictionary, but instead if you spell a word wrong, or type something that looks like a word in its pre-programmed dictionary, it automatically puts the closest word to what you typed on the screen.

Auto correct can also save words you have typed, by you clicking on 'add to dictionary', which is on most electronics with auto correct. By doing this you can save time while typing words not in the pre-programmed dictionary.

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