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The next morning I woke up to a gentle kiss. "Morning love," John whispered into my ear. I smiled and returned the kiss. We were tangled in each other's arms, enjoying the moment. "No cases until next week love, okay?" John whispered. I frowned and turned so I was facing him. "What? I'm fine," I exclaimed, a tad bit louder than was necessary. I quickly apologized when I saw him cringe.

"It's good, and no Sherlock, you're not. You were shot 3 days ago, you need a few rest days." I huffed and John rolled his eyes. Our hands were still joined together, and I brought his knuckles to my mouth, giving them a quick peck. I sighed and brought my gaze to his. "I suppose," I began, smirking, "that being here with you isn't such a bad thing." He chuckled and closed the small gap between us.

I brought my hands to cup his face, and his hands entangled themselves in my hair. He slid into my lap, straddling me. Our lips never broke apart, but we soon came up for air, gasping. "I was correct, not a bad thing at all," I smiled, our foreheads touching. I pulled him in for another smoldering kiss.

"Well, well, well," a voice sounded from the entrance to the room, and our heads whirled to the sound. Lestrade stood, leaning against the door, arms crossed. He laughed at our scandalized faces, and John slid off my lap awkwardly. "Well, it's about bloody time, although I didn't think it'd happen so quickly. Mrs. Hudson let me in," he continued, chuckling at our embarrassed faces, "I came to see how Sherlocks doing." He nodded in my direction. John, being a medical professional, answered for me.

"The bullet wound is healing quite well, but he needs a few days of rest, no cases." Lestrade nodded, agreeing. "I'll come by in a few days again, and we'll see how you're doing. Congratulations you two." I smiled tightly, still somewhat annoyed that he'd walked in. "Text me if it's over a 7," I added, knowing it was a lost cause. "Not a chance, love." John laughed and pecked my forehead.

I went a tad red, and the DI glanced at the floor. "So are you guys going public?" He asked. "I'm assuming so, we did snog for the first time at a public park," John replied with a light chuckle. Lestrade nodded and laughed. "I really am happy you two found each other, I knew from the moment I saw you two though, I gotta admit." He smiled at us. I was somewhat grateful for his words but still annoyed. He and John continued to make small talk over tea.

I began to grow impatient as they continued to talk after the tea was gone. I ended up going into the kitchen to escape it. I sat in one of the kitchen chairs, running my hands through my hair. I'd fallen in love, I was sure. But I'd been taught that love was a chemical defect found on the losing side. Love wasn't a defect, however, the memories that came with emotions were. A defect that still makes me shiver still, long after the events.

After a few more minutes, I heard the squeaking of chairs as the DI and John got up. I walked back to see them shaking hands and Lestrade's congratulations. As politely as I could manage, I said. "Yes thank you, bye now." I showed him out and came back to John making even more tea. Good God, he drinks a lot of it.

John's POV

Sherlock was extremely irritated and showed Greg out quite quickly. After a few seconds alone in the room, I decided to get up and make some more tea. Not even a minute into making it, Sherlock appeared beside me, getting mugs out. I smiled at him, and he seemed to notice my gaze. "What?" He asked, leaning against the counter. "No, nothing," I smiled and he narrowed his eyes. He walked back into the sitting room and took his usual place on his chair.

He studied me for a moment before the kettle sang. I removed it from the stove and poured the tea. "Sherlock," I called out. He walked over to me from his chair, with a light "Hm?" His deep baritone voice sent a small shiver down my spine. "Since we can't go on any cases for a few days, is there anything you want from the store, or anything else?" He shook his head, curls flying. They were getting longer than he usually kept them, way above his chin, but curling around his ears and the nape of his neck.

"Is there anything you'd like to do?" I asked bringing he tea out. He thanked me for the tea before pausing to think. "We've lived together for a year now, and now we're dating, so..." I started, almost hesitant. "Movie night, cludeo, games, violin, or anything else?" I asked, suddenly nervous that he would push me away.

He smiled a smile that lit up his whole face and brought crinkles to his eyes. God, he looked gorgeous, just sitting there. "That all sounds lovely John, anything as long as I'm with you." I smiled, and looked down, blushing. I hadn't gotten used to our newfound relationship yet but loved every moment. I turned on the Telly and turned it to some crap show.

"Crap Telly is always the best when you're sick or injured," I smiled, and switched to the long couch. Sherlock rolled his eyes at my statement but followed. After a minute of shifting around to get comfortable, we were cuddled up on the couch with blankets and pillows all around us. Sherlock had instantaneously nestled into my chest and joined our hands together.

I didn't pay much attention to the show, but Sherlock managed to find it invigorating. "Oh, of course he's not the father, look at the turn ups on his jeans!" ( AN: haha it's almost like he said that on the show) He yelled at the tv, and I laughed. "I knew it was dangerous getting you into crap telly." I chuckled and he turned his head to look up at me. God, he looked so beautiful, with his dark hair contrasting with his light but intense eyes, and his cheekbones. For the love of God, his cheekbones. It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me.

"Sorry, what?" I asked, slightly embarrassed. He smirked, knowing the reason for my sudden zoning out, and repeated his statement. "Hmm, it's ridiculous how captivating it is, by all laws of common sense, it shouldn't be, but it is." I laughed again, running my hands through his hair. His eyes closed in bliss and he hummed in pleasure before looking back to the telly. "And that would be the curse of reality telly."

Sherlock shifted, accidentally shoving his bony elbow into my rib cage. I yelled and he jumped away, concerned. "Sorry, your elbow was digging into me,"I apologized and motioned for him to come back. "Oh, my apologies, I didn't mean to hurt you." Sherlock looked as though he felt guilty before moving back to me. His head lay on my chest and I knew he could hear my heart rate increase.

"Pupils dilated, heart rate increase," he smiled his crooked smile, and I laughed. "That is exactly what I was thinking." He sighed contently and snuggled deeper into my chest. I smiled, playing with his curls. Each one was different, some curling to the left, some to the right. They were all dense, but some were denser than others, and I realized that Sherlock had some lighter curls. They weren't gray by any means, just a tad lighter than the rest of the almost pitch black curls. I watched as Sherlock fell into a light doze, his face relaxing. 'I love him' was all I could think as I watched him sleep, and ran my hands through his hair.

AN: omg this one is so short, ugh I'm sorry! The other chapters will get longer I promise! I think this is the last short one, so sorry.

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