Shaky Days

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Johns POV
I awoke before Sherlock, did and extracted myself carefully, as not to wake him. As soon as I was out of our room, I began dialing a number on my phone.

"John, how good of you to call," Mycroft's voice floated through to me and I had to clench my jaw to keep from screaming. "We need to talk," I said as quietly and calmly as possible, knowing that my voice had gone frighteningly low. He clicked his tongue, "I'm afraid I'm all booked up for today-" I cut him off, my voice growing even more menacing.

"We need to talk, and we need to talk today, it's about Sherlock." I added, knowing that the mention of his brother would get him to meet with me. "When," was all he said in reply. We made plans for that afternoon, and I hung up. I covered my face with my hands, and let out a long sigh. I rubbed my face, and went to make breakfast. I hadn't finished making it when I heard the first cords of Sherlocks violin. I quickly finished and went into the sitting room to get him.

"Not hungry," he murmured, not even looking in my direction. I set a plate by him, and he stared at it. "You need to eat, love, please." He huffed and looked at me after a moment. I saw thousands of emotions flickering over his face, warring with one another. "I'm not hungry, John," he said again, clearly unwilling to concede. "Well, its here if you want it," I said after a few minutes of silence. He looked over at me again, "thank you," he whispered.

Something inside him had broken yesterday, broken by what Alice had said. I nodded at him, and walked to him. I placed my lips on his gently, reassuringly. He kissed me back, placing his hands at the small of my back. He rested his forehead against mine, and smiled sadly. "I'm here for you love, whenever you need me. I love you." I whispered as I stared into his multicolored eyes. He nodded, "thank you darling, I love you too," he whispered, and let me go reluctantly.

I cleared my throat, "I have to go out this afternoon, but other than that I'm here." He nodded, raising his violin again. I ate as he played, composed and mourned. Alice wasn't dead, but what she'd done, even unintentionally, had broken him. He played for several hours, until it was time for me to go. He hadn't spoke to me almost all day, practically refusing too.

I slipped on my coat, and he stopped playing to compose. "I'm going love, I'll be back within an hour." He turned, startled. "Oh, alright, I'll see you when you get back." I nodded once, and left, walking a few blocks to where the black car was waiting. I slipped in without any instruction, closing my eyes on the way. A sudden throbbing occurred in my head as I realized what I was going to be accusing Mycroft Holmes, the British Government, of.

I'd arrived to a secluded building within a few minutes. I got out, thanking the driver, and walked in. Mycroft was waiting, leaning against his umbrella as always. I hadn't even reached him when I began to speak. "Where did Sherlock and Alice meet?" I demanded, stopping not 15 feet from him, knowing if I got any closer, I would probably end up punching him. His facial expression didn't change as he answered. "I believe my brother told you, a suicide rehab support g-" I cut him off quickly.

"No, I mean, where did they really meet," I questioned, clenching and unclenching my fists, a gesture not unnoticed by the elder Holmes brother. He stayed silent for a moment, before speaking, "You know where, and before you judge my actions, it was after his 5th attempt, I wouldn't have done if I didn't believe it to be completely necessary. I regret locking my brother in that mental ward, I do."

My heart dropped in my chest, I shook my head, almost disbelieving what I'd already known. I looked at the ground, "No," I muttered. Shaking with rage, I began to shout. "How could you lock him in there! He needed your help, not for you to do lock him in there and make him feel like a freak even more than he'd already thought! And how DARE you tell him that the ONE thing that kept him safe in that place was bad for him!" I was referring to Alice, of course. Mycroft flinched at my yelling, and looked down. "Hindsight is 20/20, Doctor Watson, I should have never placed him in there." He met my gaze again before speaking.

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