Life Goes On

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(AN: The majority of this chapter is in flashback scenes,  it will be in italics. Yes these are what his /exploits/ have been.)

John's POV

April 14th- The Day of the Crêpe Shop Incident

There's a car a block away. -MH

I found the car quite easily, hidden in plain sight. The driver drove me to the warehouse without question as I found down the nervous bubble rising in my chest. I saw Mycroft and froze. Oh God, what had I been thinking.

"John, is everything alright? Your text sounded quite urgent." I nodded my head. "Yeah, everything's fine, he's fine. I just," I stopped, unsure of how to go about this. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was going to say. Mycroft raised an eyebrow. "Yes John?"

"I want to propose to Sherlock," I blurted out. There, I'd said it. Mycroft's face melted into one of understanding, and concealed consideration. A long amount of silence ensued, leaving me anxious and unable to breathe.

"I imagined this would come up some point soon. Especially with the two of you, no offense. Of course I give my blessing, being the closest thing he has to a father." I grinned, breathless from the idea.

"I can't imagine being without him. I love him," I stated simply. Mycroft pursed his lips to hide a small smile. "I'm glad the two of you found each other. You've saved my brother, just when I thought I'd never be able to reach him again. You're a good man, and one I'd be proud to call my brother-in-law."

I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face, now that I'd put the thought out there, I wanted nothing more in the world. "Would you want my help? Greg could help you pick out the ring, he's much more sentimental than I am."

"That would be lovely. Thank you. I know Sherlock isn't necessarily about big speeches and stuff, but he loves music." Mycroft nodded, beckoning me to go on. "I want to do something with that, I don't know what yet, but that's what I want to do."

"I have a few ideas that we could discuss later, but you'd better get going, Sherlock will be expecting you back." He smiled a bit more openly as I began to turn away. "Thank you. For being there for him, for helping him. If I'd hadn't been for you, I don't think Sherlock would be alive."

I tipped my head, "I'd do anything for him, I'll talk to you later." I turned and walked out, heading in the direction of the store, unable to wipe the smile off of my face. I was going to propose to Sherlock Holmes.

April 16th- The Day of the Psychiatry Appointment

"There is something I would like to talk to you about, though." I took a deep breath, this was the equivalent to Sherlock's mother. "I'm going to propose to Sherlock." I glanced in the direction of the bathroom, checking to be sure he wasn't out of the shower yet.

Mrs. Hudson gasped, delighted. "Oh John! That's wonderful! I'm so proud of you boys, I'd always known that this would happen. Have you decided on when you're going to do it?" She was incredibly enthusiastic, making me grin.

"I haven't, I haven't even decided how I'm going to do it yet." She pursed her lips in a smile, and swatted my hand. "Well you know Sherlock, he'll figure it out sooner or later, so you'd probably want to start looking at when." She patted my arm, "I'm excited for you two."

I heard footsteps heading in this direction, so I quickly switched the topic away so that he wouldn't hear. I'd made three plates of food so that Mrs. Hudson could eat with us. She kept throwing me excited looks when Sherlock wasn't looking. I simply smiled, excited to propose to the man I love.

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