Case Solving and Gunshots

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AN: Two things: 1. My writing style has changed a lot since I wrote and published this, but I promise the sequel is a lot better. 2. This is an AU fic where Sherlocks parents are NOT as described in the show. I keep getting comments about that and I wanted to clear that up before y'all read further. With that comes a massive trigger warning for mental and physical abuse, s*icide, and self h*rm. please stay safe and if it's better for you personally to skip out on this fic, please do so I promise I won't be hurt. 💗

"Come on John, we're losing him!" Sherlock yelled back to John as they chased after the killer. John was not 30 feet behind Sherlock but he was right, they were, in fact, losing him. They continued after him and found themselves suddenly in a back room of the department store. The murder had worked and hid there.

They were both out of breath, and Sherlock was glancing back and forth, scanning the room. Sherlock locked his gaze on an object before sprinting and tackling it. A gunshot sounded but Sherlock continued to fight the man. John was instantly prying the man off of him, flinging the guy off of Sherlock, and knocking him out by hitting him with the base of his gun. He was breathing heavier than he had, before noticing an injured Sherlock lying on the floor, gasping for breath. The bullet had got him on the side but didn't hit any vital organs. This was apparent from Sherlocks almost completely normal ability to function at first.

"Oh my God, Sherlock!" John knelt down beside Sherlock, blood gushing from his abdomen. "I told you he'd be a bad shot, he only got my side, I'm fine." Sherlock was panting with pain, and they heard sirens in the distance. The police were here, and as they looked toward the sound of the sirens, Sherlock dropped his head back onto the pavement. "See? Paramedics are here, I'm going to be fine."

"Sherlock, you could've died if he had hit you in another spot. Even just a few inches. Don't you care about that? Christ, Sherlock" John said, attempting to stop the bleeding. Sherlock didn't respond, just lay heavily breathing. "Sherlock, keep talking to me okay?" John asked, starting to panic as Sherlock started slipping into shock.

"I knew he had to be a bad shot, his footsteps were uneven and wobbly, he couldn't have a steady arm," Sherlock started talking about the case, relaying all the details, even the ones John already knew. John encouraged him, keeping him talking. He'd leave to get help, but he had to keep Sherlock out of shock. Sherlock's head lay in Johns lap as the doctor kept him out of shock. They heard footsteps and voices as they closed in. Lestrade was the first one through the doors and instantly froze when he saw the two. He yelled back to Donovan to get the paramedics.

"I'm fine Lestrade, really," Sherlock said slowly, his words bleeding together a tad. John shook his head, with his hand clamped firmly on the wound.

"He's going into shock, the wound itself isn't bad, but the shock will be." The paramedics flooded in and helped John wrap the wound. John kept Sherlock talking the entire time into the ambulance. Sherlock had insisted on not riding in it, but Lestrade left him no choice. John told him to deduce all the paramedics, practically begging him to stop slipping into shock.

"Tw-two married, one single. The blond one has three cats and a dog, left-handed," Sherlock continued this the whole way there, John nodding along. He blond paramedic smiled at the two. "You're Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, right?" His accent was heavily American. John nodded, never taking his eyes off the detective. "Yes and you're American," Sherlock breathed out, trying to remain conscious.

"You're a non-smoker, yet close to someone who does, but you disapprove of it." He nodded to John, "so does he." John gave a faint smile, his eyes never leaving Sherlock. "Yes, but that doesn't matter right now," he whispered. Tears laced Johns eyes as he reached for Sherlock's hand. He knew in the back of his mind that Sherlock would be fine, but the image of him hurt and bleeding broke his heart. The blond paramedic looked at the two curiously, continuing to work on Sherlock.

"Good, very good. You are correct, I don't smoke, but my girlfriend does. I don't approve of it, no. Can you tell me where we are going?" The blond paramedic asked. Sherlock answered somewhat sarcastically, and John chuckled. His laugh was nervous though and he clung on to Sherlock's hand as the ambulance went through London. Occasionally he would squeeze it to make sure he wasn't in shock. Every time, Sherlock would flash him his famous crooked smile and squeeze it back. The ambulance slowed to a stop, they had arrived at the hospital. As they unloaded Sherlock, one paramedic, the blond one that Sherlock had deduced, hung back.

"Your boyfriend is going to be fine, he'll be completely healed in a few weeks, don't worry." He smiled sympathetically at John who went slightly red in the face. John felt himself spluttering.

"H-he's not my boyfriend," he stammered out. The blond paramedic laughed. "And I'm the queen! I saw how you looked at each other. But you're not 'out' with your relationship yet, so I'll keep quiet." He became serious after a moment. "He will be fine, but keep an eye on him, I've seen stuff like this go south back in Chicago because they didn't look after themselves. Names Ian by the way." He clapped John on the shoulder before getting back in the ambulance for presumably, another call. John stood dumbfounded for a second before walking into the hospital, wondering exactly what the Ian had meant.

They weren't a couple, Sherlock was married to his work, and John... well John was in love with him, but he knew that they would never be together. He constantly objected when people assumed their relationship status, mainly because he knew they never would be, and John didn't want to even think about that.

The doctors were already working on Sherlocks bullet wound when John walked into the hospital. Lestrade pulled him aside immediately and began asking questions about the case. John sighed, looking at his watch, 11:38 pm. It was going to be a long night.

AN- Hey! Sorry, the first chapter is kinda short, but the majority of the others will be longer I promise! I will be uploading 1 chapter every 3 days, so please be patient. There will most likely be a sequel to this story too! - Lucy

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