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After breakfast, Mark and Jack got dress and start to walk out the hotel. Mark hold Jack hand and start walking to the Eiffel Tower.

Jack was walking a little faster. "Come one Teddy bear!" Jack said excitedly. Mark chuckles "I'm coming my angel!"

Mark and Jack start walking thought a park, that head straight to the Eiffel Tower. Jack was getting a little tired.

Mark smiles "My angel, Clam down the Eiffel Tower won't leave." Jack look up at Mark "Sorry teddy bear I'm just to excited."

Mark chuckles and look around. He saw a woman selling Cotten candy. Mark walk up to her and said "May I have a green and red one?"

She nodded and gave Mark the Cotten candy. Mark paid and walk back to Jack. Jack was on a park bench.

Mark tapped his shoulder and smiles "My angel are you ok?" He asked. Jack smiles "Yes, I just need a little break."

Mark sat next to Jack. "My love, here I brought some cotton candy." Jack smiles "Thank you my teddy bear."

"Jack I love the way you always smile." Mark said. Jack blushes "Thanks Teddy bear."

Jack grab the red cotton candy and start eating it "These tastes good!" Mark open the green one and start eating it "You right."

Mark smirks and look at Jack, he have cotton candy on his cheek. Mark grab Jack face and start licking his cheek.

Jack was turn red and look at Mark. His tongue have some red cotton candy. Jack was red, Mark noticed

"Jack your face is more red than the cotton candy." Mark said. Jack playful slap Mark arm "S-shut up!"

Mark laughs "Ok my angel." Jack clam down and look up in the sky. The sky was beautiful and have bird flying.

Jack smiles and look at Mark "I love you." Mark kiss Jack cheek "Love you more."

Cherry Blossoms And Love ♡Septiplier♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora