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"Yea..but I don't really like them, I mean that they are really awesome fans but I don't really like them in that way." Mark said.

Jack nodded "Yea I understand." The school bell ring. Mark show a half smiles "I guess that our sign that we have to go to class."

Jack look at Mark "Yea, yea we better go to class." I can't believe he also got letters and chocolate from his fan too.

Mark and Jack walk in the hallway. Mark noticed a poster about the video game contest this weekend.

Jack didn't notice Mark stop. Mark look at Jack, Jack was still waking "Hey Jack check this out!"

Jack stop and turn around to Mark. Mark point at the poster. Jack walk up to Mark "What is it?"

"It the poster for the video game contest this weekend, and check this out 1st place win a trip to France." Mark said excitedly.

Jack raise his eyebrows "France?" Mark nodded and point to the bottom of the poster. "Yea, it say in the small print on the bottom of the poster, it say that video game contest can be really stressful and the winner should take a nice peaceful break."

Jack chuckles "I guess that why they pick France." Mark thought about France "It is a peaceful and relaxing place to take break." Jack nodded "Your right."

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