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Jack noticed Mark starring at him. Mark and Jack was sitting in the same couch.

Jack smiles and said "So Mark why did you move here?" Mark look at Jack "I move here to go YouTube Academy, and also meet meet new people, and go new places."

Jack smiles "Oh that sound cool! Maybe one day we should make a video together!" Jack soon realized what he say and quickly cover his mouth.

Mark blush and chuckles "Yea. Maybe one day we will do that."

Bob and Wade was still up stairs. Wade look at Bob "Mark and Jack are Alone together in the basement."

Bob laugh "Really!? Jack face will turn so red." Bob heard the door bell ring and open it. The pizza man was here.

Bob paid and got the pizza with the soda. "Ok got the food, let go."

Wade and Bob make it down stair to the basement and saw Mark and Jack talking.

Bob and Wade sat on the side. Bob place the pizza and soda on the table.

Bob pulled out his game controller and gave one to everyone and put a game on. The TV screen show the tittle.

"Super Smash Brothers" Bob smiles "Get prepare to lose!" Wade yelled "I won't lose this time!"

Jack was right next to Mark, he jump a little "It on! " Mark just smiles and soon the game begin.

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