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Jack was already down stair with his blue sweater and black jeans. He have his suitcase near the door.

Jack was cry in front of him "I'm so proud of you!" She pulled Jack into a hug.

Jack smiles and hug back. She slowly pulled away and look at Jack "Have fun and be safe." Jack nodded.

Soon they heard the door open, Jack went up to it and open it. Mark was outside waiting with his suitcase.

He was wearing his flannel and blue jeans. Mark look at Jack and smiles "Hey Jack ready to go?" Jack nodded and look back at his mother, she wave at Jack and Jack wave back.

Jack slowly close the door and went with Mark to the airport. Mark and Jack made it to the airport and soon got on the plane to France.

Jack and Mark was sitting right next to each other. Mark sigh and look at Jack "I can't wait to go to France and relaxing." Jack smiles back and blush.

Jack look out the airplane window and saw the Eiffel Tower. They arrived in France.

Mark and Jack smiles, they got their suitcases and got in the plane and now they are now in France.

Mark told that Jack "That they already have a hotel room booked from them."

Jack smiles and was looking around "I can't believe we are in France!" Jack walk walking around excitedly like a little kid. Mark giggle at Jack when he excited.

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