"I'm not a vampire, Bella. I don't need an invitation," he snorts and I roll my eyes.

I back up and watch as he climbs into my room like its just a perfectly normal thing. Maybe I should push him back out while I still can.

"I kind of wish I was Edward though, that would have been a lot easier," he says a little out of breath. "And I could read minds and run really fast. And most importantly.....sparkle in the sunlight,"

I stand there with my arms crossed and the glare of death in his direction.

He stands up and brushes off the front of his Nirvana hoodie before looking at me with a giant grin. He's got dark jeans and work boots on. I see he has a beanie on under his hood.

Stop checking him out, Angelina!

"Why the hell are you here and how do you know where I live?" I ask and he starts walking around my room,  touching my shit.

"I told you, I can't sleep," he says while he opens the top drawer of my dresser and pulling out one of my thongs.

"I would have guessed you were a granny panty kind of girl," he laughs, swinging the underwear from his finger.

What the hell does that mean?!

"Ughhhh and I wouldn't have guessed you were the Twilight loving type!Now stop touching my shit! And be quiet, you're going to wake my Mom up!" I whisper loudly, grabbing my thong from his finger.

"Listen, Twilight is a very powerful love story with amazing underlying lessons of self-fulfilment," he says dramatically with his hand over his heart.

"How the hell did you find my house?!" I ask, watching as he ignores my directions and starts to touch everything.

"I looked up your address in my Dad's computer," he runs his fingers over my school's books on my desk. I was just working on Algebra before I went to bed.

"Wow, you really are a delinquent," I say under my breath.

"I never claimed to be anything different," he turns to face me, putting his hands in the front pocket of his sweatshirt.

Why the hell did he choose my house to come to? He couldn't sleep so he decides to visit someone in the middle of the night that he's met twice in his whole life?

Doesn't he have friends?

"I like your sleepwear," his eyes roam from my legs back up to my eyes and I feel the blush filling my cheeks. I mentally kick myself for letting him affect me.

"Just sit and don't touch anything else, " I point to my bed while I grab a pair of sweatpants and slip them over my shorts.

"Inviting me to your bed already, Bella? That was quick, even for me," he jumps backwards onto it, laying there with his hands behind his head.

He lift his hips up and down making the bed squeak and I try my hardest  to ignore the way he moves his body.

"Bouncy," he winks and I roll my eyes.

"Stop it," I hiss again, turning on the lamp next to my bed.

"What's wrong, Pumpkin? My moves make you uncomfortable?" He wiggles his eyebrows and thrusts his hips again.

Dear God...just look away

"No, the fact that I barely know you and you're in my room in the middle of the night is what makes me uncomfortable!" Stand next to my bed with my hands on my hips looking down at this stubborn ass laying there.

"Again, I'm going to make a Twilight reference and point out that Edward would watch Bella sleep," he looks at me like I should understand his point.
"He was a major creeper and everyone loved him," he throws his hands up.

"Well....I was team Jacob,"

"What?!" He sits up acting completely disgusted. "We can't be friends.." he shakes his head.

"Good, get out, " I point at my window.

"Hey, I said we can't be friends. We can still be lovers," he smirks as he stands up in front of me. 

He steps so close, our chests are touching and I suddenly lose all control over my brain.  He looms over me with this serial killer grin and he starts moving foward causing me to take steps back.

"You look like a scared little bunny," his grin gets wider, showing the deep dimples in his cheeks.

My heels hit the wall and my eyes dart around the room.

"Don't be scared. I won't bite unless you ask me too,"


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