"Do you even know me?" Sitri spoke.

"Personally, no, but your name suggest something. A noble or royal in the demon race, perhaps?" Reya tapped her chin in a thinking position.

"Close, but also far. I'm a demon king." Sitri leaned in closer to her, putting both his hands on the table between them.

"... And?"

Now, even Sitri was taken aback by this girl's responses. She shrugged off his title as the king of demons, which is the most feared one in his world.

Thalia suddenly yelled. "What do you mean and?! You're talking to the devil himself!"

"Do I look like I care?" Reya looked back at her slowly.

Everyone was silent, anticipating Sitri's reply to her. To everyone's surprise, excluding Reya, Sitri laughed. Reya just merely shrunken her smile.

"I like your attitude. It'll be my pleasure to break you." Sitri now let his trademark grin shown to the black haired girl. Finally, Reya's smiled vanished in surprise.

"Break? And what did you mean by that?" Reya asked.

Sitri looked down. "5th Dimension." Tamamo's eyes widen. She was about to shout, but then all of them glitched like a static on a TV. Only Sitri and Reya remained. Suddenly, their surroundings turned darker, until everything was pitch black.

Reya looked around. "You're not going to kill me, are you?" Reya looked back at him, searching for emotion, though she found him looking down and hiding his face. When he looked up, she saw his face contorted into a psychotic smile, his eyes seemingly larger than before. He cackled endlessly as he approach her. Reya, acting on instincts, took a step back. But still, even though her smile is gone now, she's still unblinking like a stone gargoyle.

"I wonder how long you'll last, Light Reya." Sitri uttered, pouncing the wide eyed fallen angel all of a sudden.


"Thalia-san, where did Sitri and that scary girl go?" Ani asked her older sister figure.

"I-I don't know Ani, but I hope he doesn't do anything stupid." Thalia sighed.

Then, they heard a slapping noise beside them. The saw Tamamo facepalming.

"Did he really have to resort to that?" Tamamo muttered.

"What is it Tamamo-san?" Ani sat on her other side.

"Sitri teleported himself and Reya in another dimension. He trapped her there for... interrogation." Tamamo worded it carefully. She's talking to a child after all.

Thalia though, was still confused. "What do you mean by that?" She rose one of her eyebrows.

Tamamo looked back at her, staring blankly at her eyes. "Sitri, devil. Reya, girl. Devil and a girl, all alone. Get it?"

Thalia's eyes widen. "I-Is he going to..."

Ani suddenly spoke. "Oh, Sitri-sama's just gonna torture her, what's so wrong with that?" Ani asked, tilting her head.

Tamamo stared blankly at the child. "What you just said is wrong too, you know. But that wasn't I'm talking about. It's something more... feral?" She asked herself, the shook. "Enough of that, I can say that it's going to be a while before Sitri comes back. I say let's walk around the schools."

Thalia, shaking her head from her thoughts, nodded. " I think that's nice. Ani?"

"I'm gonna wait for Sitri-niisama to come back. I'll stay here." She smiled.

Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)Where stories live. Discover now