☹fifty two

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i wrapped a blanket around my shoulders as i opened my computer screen.

i had to do some homework and ever since i stopped letting myself drown in my own self pity,

i've actually been motivated to do the things i once found a waste of time.

my fingers ran across the keyboard as i typed the long essay.

a yawn left my mouth as i stood up,

blanket still covering me,

and went down to my kitchen.

"good morning."

my parents nodded at me as i grabbed a cup from the pantry and a bag of hot chocolate mix.

i stirred it inside of the cup after heating water and took a drink,

letting the liquid warm my cold body.

as i went back to my room,

i froze as i went by my window.

it was snowing again.

the small marshmallows floating in my cup looked so much like the snowflakes.

i set my cup on my table and went to set my hands back on my keyboard,

but a certain icon distracted me.


i never talk to anyone on skype anymore.

not since-

junglebook: i miss you )):

my eyes widened as i read the message.

tae: it's been awhile

junglebook: shut up my internet was just so shook by you it took too long to send

as i was about to type a reply,

i realized something.

why was i talking to you as if nothings changed?

like nothing ever happened between us.


i guess the problem was nothing ever did happen between us.

junglebook: i need to talk to you about something

junglebook: could you come over?

a sigh left my lips as i brought the mouse to the red circle,

ready to close the window.

junglebook: taehyung

junglebook: please

junglebook: i'm scared

i paused.


there hasn't been a storm in weeks.

tae: why

tae: the storms stopped

junglebook: thats why im scared

junglebook: i miss them.

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